
The main objective of the Institute of Automation and Computer Science (IACS), FME, BUT is to advance research in automatization, digitization, artificial intelligence and the Industry 4.0 concept in general. This involves developing advanced methods in the field of technical diagnostics, machine vision, cyber-physical systems, digital twin and industrial robotics that align with the aforementioned Industry 4.0 concept. To verify research and development activities and ensure competitiveness, unique laboratories of cyber-physical systems, technical diagnostics, cybernetics and robotics were established within the institute.

In the field of Industry 4.0, including the subfields of artificial intelligence, digitization, robotics, and automation, priorities are focused on resolving complex tasks. The IACS primary focus is on fundamental research, which is subsequently transformed into applied research in collaboration with industrial partners. The institute engages in fundamental and applied research on the interconnection of artificial intelligence techniques, multidisciplinary modelling, optimization, advance sensing, digital twin and control of autonomous robotic systems, with a particular focus on the versatility, adaptability, and scalability necessary to accommodate wide range of industrial applications.

The primary objectives of academic staff are:

  • the top fundamental and applied research and the transfer of knowledge to practise,
  • to improve the field of education with more effective approaches to understanding key technologies within the Industry 4.0 paradigm.

One of the institute's most successful projects was the implementation of a unique solution for robotic handling of potentially infectious samples as part of the Czech Rise Up 2.0 program. The robotic workplace underwent rigorous testing over a period of more than two months in the laboratory of the Center of Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy, Department of Internal Medicine – Hematology and Oncology at the University Hospital Brno.

Main Current Projects


Main Results


Research Activities