
Partnership in R&D plays a crucial role in the quality of education. We seek long-term collaboration with institutions involved in cutting-edge research and development and/or companies with valuable experience. We are able to transfer our research results to development and production; we can exchange knowledge with companies. Implementation tried and tested in the application domain and knowledge of the real needs create an added value for our research and development.

FME is the right choice

  • 20 %

    of NETME Centre income comes from commercial contractual research projects

  • 500+

    researchers and experts ready to work on your project

  • CZK 650 mil.

    have been invested in NETME Centre so far

  • 159

    is the number of contracts above 100 000 CZK in the last year

How cooperation works

  • First step First contact

    Do you need new technology for your production or are you looking for a partner for joint research or development? Contact us.

  • Second step Propose and team selection

    Based on your needs, we will prepare a completed solution and will select the most appropriate research team of professionals from BUT.

  • Third step Realization

    You will get a license, a new technology, or we may participate in the project solution together.