Organizational Structure


About Us

Mechanics of bodies belongs to the fundamentals of mechanical engineering. During our studies, we will master the most modern computational and experimental methods in this field and their application in the assessment of stiffness, strength, operational reliability, dynamic properties of mechanical structures, etc. In addition to solid mechanics, we also provide comprehensive education in mechatronics and biomechanics. Our research activities can be characterized by a high level and a wide range of activities, which is evidenced by the examples of the fields we deal with: biomechanics of the skeletal-muscular, cardiovascular and auditory systems of humans, mechatronic systems. We closely cooperate with other scientific research institutions and maintain contacts with a number of foreign universities and partners.

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Dept. of Engineering Mechanics

Dept. of Mechanics of Advanced Materials

Dept. of Biomechanics

Dept. of Mechatronics

Dept. of Autonomous Systems

NCC MESTEC - Division of Solid Mechanics and Mechatronics

NCC Energy - Fracture Mechanics Division

NCC NaCCAS - Division of Mechatronics

Division of Mechanics