
The Institute of Aeronautics is a leading centre for research and education in the field of aeronautics and space technology. It has long been involved in challenging research tasks in the field of grant projects as well as contract research for industrial partners. The institute has a team of highly qualified staff, both professionals and enthusiasts in their respective fields of science.

The basic mission is to provide education

  • Bachelor's degree in Professional Pilot
  • Postgraduate studies in the Aerospace Technology programme with specialisations
    • Aircraft Construction (also in EN)
    • Aircraft and aerodrome operation technology

Part of the education includes providing professional courses and pilot training within the BUT Aviation School up to ATPL qualification.

In the field of research, the Aviation Institute provides education in the form of postgraduate doctoral studies in the field of Structural and Process Engineering within the Machinery and Equipment programme.

In all research activities, students are intensively involved, both master's students (to gain practical experience in project-oriented teaching) and postgraduate students who work on complex research tasks under the guidance of experienced academic staff.

Last but not least, the team of the Aeronautical Institute provides commercial services, mainly in the areas of aeronautical technology development, equipment testing in an approved laboratory and consulting activities. It is a supplier of technical solutions, analysis, testing and other work to many industrial partners, helping them to apply the latest knowledge to practice.

Main Current Projects


Main Results


Research Activities

News from Institute