Publication detail

An Implementation View on Job Shop Scheduling Based on CPM


Czech title

Implementační pohled na rozvrhování zakázkové výroby založený na metodě CPM

English title

An Implementation View on Job Shop Scheduling Based on CPM


conference paper



Original abstract

The scheduling of manufacturing processes aims to find sequences of jobs on given machines optimal by a selected criterion, e.g. minimal completion time of all operations. With respect to NP-hardness of these problems and the necessity to solve them by heuristic methods, the problem representation and the effectiveness of their procedures is substantial for computations to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, we deal with job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) in a disjunctive graph-based representation. Turning all undirected edges into directed ones, the problem is transformed to a problem solvable by the Critical Path Method (CPM). We propose an original implementation of the CPM that makes it possible to decrease its time complexity and thus also the running time of all JSSP iterations.

Czech abstract

V rozvrhování výrobních procesů je cílem nalezení optimálního pořadí úloh tvořených skupinou operací na jednotlivých výrobních zařízeních (strojích) vzhledem k zvolenému kritériu optimality. Vzhledem k tomu, že tyto problémy jsou NP-těžké a nutnosti řešit je heuristickými metodami, je reprezentace problému a efektivita jeho procedur je podstatná pro dokončení výpočtu v rozumném čase. V tomto příspěvku se zabýváme rozvrhováním zakázkové (nebo také kusové) výroby a jeho reprezentací disjunktivním grafem. Jestliže zvolíme orientaci pro neorientované hrany, pak problém se transformuje na problém řešitelný metodou kritické cesty. Navrhujeme originální implementaci této metody, která umožňuje snížit její časovou složitost a tím čas výpočtu všech iterací výpočtu rozvrhu zakázkové výroby.

English abstract

The scheduling of manufacturing processes aims to find sequences of jobs on given machines optimal by a selected criterion, e.g. minimal completion time of all operations. With respect to NP-hardness of these problems and the necessity to solve them by heuristic methods, the problem representation and the effectiveness of their procedures is substantial for computations to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, we deal with job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) in a disjunctive graph-based representation. Turning all undirected edges into directed ones, the problem is transformed to a problem solvable by the Critical Path Method (CPM). We propose an original implementation of the CPM that makes it possible to decrease its time complexity and thus also the running time of all JSSP iterations.

Keywords in Czech

výrobní proces, rozvrhování zakázkové výroby, NP-těžký problém, disjunktivní graf, CPM

Keywords in English

manufacturing process, job shop scheduling, NP-hard problem, disjunctive graph, CPM

RIV year







Crete Island (Greece)




Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Miloš {Šeda},
  title="An Implementation View on Job Shop Scheduling Based on CPM",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers",
  publisher="WSEAS Press",
  address="Crete Island (Greece)",