Course detail

Application of Embedded Systems in Mechatronics

FSI-REV Acad. year: 2025/2026 Summer semester

Students will learn the basic concepts of embedded application design and development:

  • Embedded device architecture
  • Principles of working with peripherals
  • Algorithmization in resource-constrained environments

The lecture covers the theoretical aspects, while the exercises (with computer support) include C language review and algorithmization practice. The tutorial is followed by the laboratory part of the course, which includes practical (and eventually independent) work with the PIC18 microcontroller development kit.

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The assessment of the course is based on a standard 0-100 point scale. Students may receive:

  • up to 10 points for independent work on two problems given in the exercise,
  • up to 40 points for three tests during the semester (15, 15 and 10 points),
  • up to 50 points for the semester project.

For both the semester projects and the assignments from the exercises, the evaluation is mainly based on meeting the functional requirements and the level of workmanship. Attendance at the tutorials is compulsory, and attendance is checked at the tutorials.

Language of instruction



The course provides an intensive introduction to the C programming language and algorithmization in a resource-constrained environment. It also provides an overview of microcontroller (MCU) architecture and peripheral functions. Students will also gain hands-on experience developing applications for specific microcontrollers in the PIC18 family.

Graduates of the course will gain a theoretical understanding of single-chip computer applications, focusing on architecture, algorithmization methods, and best practices. The acquired skills will enable the student to independently solve basic mechatronic tasks, including problem analysis, design of a suitable solution and its implementation.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-MET-P: Mechatronics, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 5 credits, compulsory

Type of course unit



13 hours, optionally


  • Introduction C

  • Function

  • Pointer/Strukt

  • GPIO

  • Interrupt/Timer

  • UART

  • ADC

  • PWM

  • WDT


  • FAQ

Laboratory exercise

39 hours, compulsory


  • Introduction C

  • Function

  • Pointer/Strukt

  • GPIO

  • Interrupt/Timer

  • UART

  • ADC

  • PWM

  • WDT


  • FAQ