Course detail


FSI-YER Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Language of instruction



The aim of the subject is to acquire the knowledge needed for the design and modernization of industrial products and work environment.
Graduates will be able an anthropocentric approach to design, to the systemic solution of the relationship man-machine-environment. Graduates will be able to formulate requirements for the relationship of a person to any product, to respect its dimensions, psychophysiological possibilities and limits in relation to the performed activity whether of occupational or non-working nature.

The student acquires:
- Knowledges about the human and about the optimization of psychophysical load.
- Knowledge of the specifics of the working environment.
- The ability to design the system of drivers and indicators.
- The ability of apply the principles of interior design.
- Knowledge of safety work.
- Respecting the methodical approach to the construction.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CZS: , 4 credits, elective

Type of course unit



13 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


- Introduction into the subject. Ergonomics- definition, basis, benefit, goal.
- Human – anthropometric and psycho-physical attributes, dimensions.
- Human – sensations and perceptions, reflexes.
- Human – psychological attributes, interpersonal connections.
- Human – virtue of human, machine virtue, dimensional solution of the machine.
- Human and machine- working position, movement space, visual conditions.
- Tools and equipment, principles and criteria for the design of handels.
- Controls and indicators, connection between controls and indicators, solution of controls and indicators system.
- Human and environment, climatic specifications, illumination, noise, vibrations and shakes.
- Safety of work.
- Interior – housing, zoning of the house / flat, physical properties of the space, layout solution.
- Housing and communal spaces, requirements for social, leisure and business premises.

Studio work

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


- Manufacturingf of the test dummy in sizes 5%, 50%, 95%.
- Ergonomic parameters I.- ergonomic solution of a seat, analysis of task, sketches.
- Ergonomic parameters I.- ergonomic solution of a seat, sketches.
- Ergonomic parameters I.- ergonomic solution of a seat, variants.
- Ergonomic parameters I.- ergonomic solution of a seat, visualization.
- Ergonomic parameters II. – ergonomic solution of a machine, analysis of task, sketches.
- Ergonomic parameters II. – ergonomic solution of a machine, sketches.
- Ergonomic parameters II. – ergonomic solution of a machine, variants.
- Ergonomic parameters II. – ergonomic solution of a machine, visualization.
- Ergonomic parameters III. – ergonomic solution of an environment, analysis of task, sketches. 
- Ergonomic parameters III. – ergonomic solution of an environment, sketches.
- Ergonomic parameters III. – ergonomic solution of an environment, variants. Test.
- Ergonomic parameters III. – ergonomic solution of an environment, visualization.