Publication detail

Evolutionary Optimization of Controllers


Czech title

Evoluční optimalizace regulátorů

English title

Evolutionary Optimization of Controllers


book chapter



Original abstract

The aim of this paper is to describe a new optimization method that can create control equations of general regulators. For this type of optimization a new method was created and we call it Two-Level Transplant Evolution (TLTE). This method allowed us to apply advanced methods of optimization, for example direct tree reducing of tree structure of control equation. The reduction method was named Arithmetic Tree Reducing (ART). For optimization of control equations of general controllers is suitable combine two evolutionary algorithms. Main goal in the first level of TLTE is the optimization of structure of general controllers. In the second level of TLTE the concrete parameters are optimized and the unknown abstract parameters in structure of equations are set. The method TLTE was created by combination of Transplant Evolution method (TE) and Differential Evolution method (DE). The Transplant Evolution (TE) optimizes structure of solution with unknown abstract parameters and the DE optimizes the parameters in this structure. The parameters are real numbers. The real numbers are not easy find directly in TE without DE. For evaluation of quality of found control equation are described new methods, which allow evaluate their quality. It can be used in the case when the simulation of control process cannot be finished. In results are shown some practical application. In all results we received the control equation that reached better quality of control process, than classical PID controllers and Takahashi`s modification of PID controller.

Czech abstract

Cílem tohoto článku je popsat novou optimalizační metodu, která je schopna vygenerovat rovnice řízení obecných regulátorů. Pro tento typ optimalizace byla vytvořena nová metoda, kterou jsme nazvali dvouúrovňová transplantační evoluce (TLTE). Tato metoda nám umožnils použít pokročilé metody optimalizace, například redukci stromové struktury řídících rovnic. Metoda redukce byla pojmenována aritmetické redukce stromu (ART). Pro optimalizaci řídících rovnic obecných regulátorů je vhodné kombinovat dva evoluční algoritmy. Hlavním cílem v první úrovni je TLTE optimalizace struktury obecných regulátorů. Ve druhé úrovni TLTE jsou konkrétní parametry optimalizovány a neznámé abstraktní parametry ve struktuře rovnic jsou nastaveny. .Metoda TLTE byla vytvořena kombinací metody transplantační evolution (TE) a diferenciální evoluce (DE). Transplantační evoluce optimalizuje strukturu řešení s neznámými abstraktními parametry a diferenciální evoluce optimalizuje parametry v této struktuře. Těmito parametry jsou reálná čísla. Reálná čísla nelze snadno najít přímo pomocí TE bez DE. Pro vyhodnocení kvality nalezené řídící rovnice jsou popsány nové metody. Lze ho použit v případě, kdy simulaci řídícího procesu není možné ukončit. Výsledky dokládají praktickou využitelnost. Ve všech případech jsme obdrželi lepší kvalitu regulačního pochodu., než u klasických PID regulátorů a Takahashiho modifikace regulátoru.

English abstract

The aim of this paper is to describe a new optimization method that can create control equations of general regulators. For this type of optimization a new method was created and we call it Two-Level Transplant Evolution (TLTE). This method allowed us to apply advanced methods of optimization, for example direct tree reducing of tree structure of control equation. The reduction method was named Arithmetic Tree Reducing (ART). For optimization of control equations of general controllers is suitable combine two evolutionary algorithms. Main goal in the first level of TLTE is the optimization of structure of general controllers. In the second level of TLTE the concrete parameters are optimized and the unknown abstract parameters in structure of equations are set. The method TLTE was created by combination of Transplant Evolution method (TE) and Differential Evolution method (DE). The Transplant Evolution (TE) optimizes structure of solution with unknown abstract parameters and the DE optimizes the parameters in this structure. The parameters are real numbers. The real numbers are not easy find directly in TE without DE. For evaluation of quality of found control equation are described new methods, which allow evaluate their quality. It can be used in the case when the simulation of control process cannot be finished. In results are shown some practical application. In all results we received the control equation that reached better quality of control process, than classical PID controllers and Takahashi`s modification of PID controller.

Keywords in Czech

regulátor, transplantační evoluce, diferenciální revoluce, aritmetická redukce stromu

Keywords in English

controller, transplant evolution, differential evolution, arithmetic tree reducing

RIV year







Berlin (Germany)




Zelinka, I., Snášel, V., Abraham, A. (eds.): Handbook of Optimization. From Classical to Modern Approach.

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Pavel {Ošmera} and Miloš {Šeda} and Roman {Weisser},
  title="Evolutionary Optimization of Controllers",
  booktitle="Zelinka, I., Snášel, V., Abraham, A. (eds.): Handbook of Optimization. From Classical to Modern Approach.",
  address="Berlin (Germany)",