Publication detail
Why Plane Crash-General Aviation Accident Statistics and Additional Safety Aspects
Czech title
Proč letadla padají-statistika nehod malých letadel GA a jiné bezpečnostní aspekty
English title
Why Plane Crash-General Aviation Accident Statistics and Additional Safety Aspects
journal article - other
Original abstract
The paper summarises general aviation accidents, their impact on safety issues of flying, the new technology used for increasing safety flight and for mitigate the consequences of the accidents. The study of accidents and additional safety aspects are related to the activities in the part of European project called PPlane. The 7.FP EU project PPlane is being solved in joint cooperation with the others European research teams. The PPlane project is aimed to assessment and validation of pioneering concepts for personal plane and the whole personal air transport systems. Used accident statistics are based on NTSB reports in a year 2010. These reports are extracted from NTSB aviation accident database. The data are valid for Northern America region and include general aviation aircraft, similar to considered PPlane vehicles. The aircraft with significantly different utilization were excluded – i.e. agricultural aircraft, experimental aircraft, homebuilt aircraft, and old timer aircraft. The main purpose of accident statistics was detection and comparison of safety effects on single-engine vs. multi-engine configuration. Additional safety aspects include using of the new technology especially impact of use of BRS (Ballistic Recovery System).
Czech abstract
Článek shrnuje letecké nehody ve všeobecném letectví a jejich příčiny vzniku. Dále jsou ve článku uvedeny další aspekty, které tyto nehody ovlivňují.
English abstract
The paper summarises general aviation accidents, their impact on safety issues of flying, the new technology used for increasing safety flight and for mitigate the consequences of the accidents. The study of accidents and additional safety aspects are related to the activities in the part of European project called PPlane. The 7.FP EU project PPlane is being solved in joint cooperation with the others European research teams. The PPlane project is aimed to assessment and validation of pioneering concepts for personal plane and the whole personal air transport systems. Used accident statistics are based on NTSB reports in a year 2010. These reports are extracted from NTSB aviation accident database. The data are valid for Northern America region and include general aviation aircraft, similar to considered PPlane vehicles. The aircraft with significantly different utilization were excluded – i.e. agricultural aircraft, experimental aircraft, homebuilt aircraft, and old timer aircraft. The main purpose of accident statistics was detection and comparison of safety effects on single-engine vs. multi-engine configuration. Additional safety aspects include using of the new technology especially impact of use of BRS (Ballistic Recovery System).
Keywords in Czech
statistika nehod, BRS, vseobecne letectvi, PPlane, bezpečnost
Keywords in English
Accident statistic, BRS, general aviation, PPlane, safety
RIV year
VUT v Brně
VUT v Brně
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Helena {Trefilová},
title="Why Plane Crash-General Aviation Accident Statistics and Additional Safety Aspects",
publisher="VUT v Brně",
address="VUT v Brně",