Publication detail

Particulate Composite Materials: Numerical Modelling of Cross-linked Polymer Reinforced by Alumina Based Particles


Czech title

Částicové kompozitní materiály: Numerické modelování sesíťovaného polymeru plněného částicemi na bázi hliníku

English title

Particulate Composite Materials: Numerical Modelling of Cross-linked Polymer Reinforced by Alumina Based Particles


journal article - other



Original abstract

The contribution deals with an estimation of macroscopic mechanical properties of a particulate composite under uniaxial tensile loading. Composite studied consists of polymer matrix in a rubbery state (polymethylmethacrylate – PMMA) and alumina based particles (Al2O3). Numerical modelling based on the finite element method (FEM) was performed to determine stress-strain behaviour of the particulate composite. Numerical simulations took into account hyperelastic properties of cross-linked polymer matrix, described by the three parameter Mooney-Rivlin material model. Representative volume element (RVE) model was chosen for FE analyses as an approach modelling a microstructure of the composite. Various compositions of particles, their different shape and orientation have been considered in the study. Various directions of loading of RVE have also been investigated. The progressive damage model has been implemented into the numerical models. Mechanical properties obtained from computations, which included damage model, have been compared with experimental data and good agreement has been found. The procedure presented can be used for estimation of mechanical properties of new particulate composites with cross-linked polymer matrix and contributes to the clarification of damage development and failure of studied type of particulate composite.

Czech abstract

Hlavním zaměřením tohoto článku je určování makroskopického chování částicového kompozitu. Částicovým kompozitem je sesíťovaná polymerní matrice plněná Al2O3 částicemi. Numerické modelování bylo prováděnou metodou konečných prvků. Hyperelastické vlastnosti matrice byly modelovány Mooney-Rivlinovým modelem materiálu. Získané výsledky byly porovnány s experimenty a byla shledána dobrá shoda. Tato práce přispívá k lepšímu porozumění porušování částicových kompozitů.

English abstract

The contribution deals with an estimation of macroscopic mechanical properties of a particulate composite under uniaxial tensile loading. Composite studied consists of polymer matrix in a rubbery state (polymethylmethacrylate – PMMA) and alumina based particles (Al2O3). Numerical modelling based on the finite element method (FEM) was performed to determine stress-strain behaviour of the particulate composite. Numerical simulations took into account hyperelastic properties of cross-linked polymer matrix, described by the three parameter Mooney-Rivlin material model. Representative volume element (RVE) model was chosen for FE analyses as an approach modelling a microstructure of the composite. Various compositions of particles, their different shape and orientation have been considered in the study. Various directions of loading of RVE have also been investigated. The progressive damage model has been implemented into the numerical models. Mechanical properties obtained from computations, which included damage model, have been compared with experimental data and good agreement has been found. The procedure presented can be used for estimation of mechanical properties of new particulate composites with cross-linked polymer matrix and contributes to the clarification of damage development and failure of studied type of particulate composite.

Keywords in Czech

částicové kompozity, kompozity s polymerní matricí, mechanická odezva, konečnoprvková analýza

Keywords in English

particulate composites, polymer-matrix composites, mechanical response, finite-element analysis

RIV year







2013 (49)



Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Bohuslav {Máša} and Luboš {Náhlík} and Pavel {Hutař},
  title="Particulate Composite Materials: Numerical Modelling of Cross-linked Polymer Reinforced by Alumina Based Particles",
  volume="2013 (49)",