Publication detail

Design of local ventilation for heat stress reduction of glass-making line operators


Czech title

Návrh lokálního větrání ke snížení tepelné zátěže pracovníků ve sklářských provozech

English title

Design of local ventilation for heat stress reduction of glass-making line operators


conference paper



Original abstract

A distribution of locally supplied air to the working place of operators at the glass-making lines is designed so as not to affect the process of glass manufacture. The design of a local air supply is based on operational measurements of thermal conditions on the working place of operators. The measurements have been carried out at the natural ventilation and at application of the local air supply. The local air supply outlet was located either over the working place or on its floor. The analysis of operators heat stress was made by using the WBGT-index. From the measured WBGT-index dependence on the airflow velocity, the airflow velocities, which are needed for obtaining a homogenous environment with the WBGT reference value, have been determined. Thus defined courses of velocities along the working place height have been applied for the design of an optimum local air supply.

Czech abstract

Lokální přívod vzduchu na pracovní místa u sklářských linek je navržen tak, aby neovlivňoval proces výroby skla. Návrh lokálního přívodu vzduchu je založen na provozních měřeních tepelného stavu. Měření byla provedena při přirozeném větrání a s použitím vzduchové sprchy umístěné buď nad pracovním místem, nebo u podlahy. Analýza tepelné zátěže pracovníků byla prováděna pomocí WBGT indexu.

English abstract

A distribution of locally supplied air to the working place of operators at the glass-making lines is designed so as not to affect the process of glass manufacture. The design of a local air supply is based on operational measurements of thermal conditions on the working place of operators. The measurements have been carried out at the natural ventilation and at application of the local air supply. The local air supply outlet was located either over the working place or on its floor. The analysis of operators heat stress was made by using the WBGT-index. From the measured WBGT-index dependence on the airflow velocity, the airflow velocities, which are needed for obtaining a homogenous environment with the WBGT reference value, have been determined. Thus defined courses of velocities along the working place height have been applied for the design of an optimum local air supply.

Keywords in English

Local air supply, thermal conditions, natural ventilation, heat stress, WBGT-index

RIV year





RoomVent 2002


Copenhagen, Denmark




Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms

Pages count



  author="Eva {Janotková} and Milan {Pavelek},
  title="Design of local ventilation for heat stress reduction of glass-making line operators",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms",
  publisher="RoomVent 2002",
  address="Copenhagen, Denmark",