Publication detail

Laser ablation Methods for Analysis of Urinary Stones: Comparison Study Based on Calibration Pellets


Czech title

Metody laserové ablace pro analýzu močových kamenů: srovnávací studie založená na kalibračních tabletách

English title

Laser ablation Methods for Analysis of Urinary Stones: Comparison Study Based on Calibration Pellets





Original abstract

Methods based on laser ablation, such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass/Optical Emission Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS/OES) are particularly suitable for urinary stones bulk and micro analysis. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the calibration capabilities and limitations of these techniques. There are no commercially available standards, which would correspond to urinary calculi matrix. Internal standardization is also difficult, mainly due to different crystalline phases in one kidney stone. Calibration pellets were prepared from human urinary stones with phosphate, oxalate and urate matrix. For this comparative study the most frequently used laser-ablation based analytical techniques were chosen, such as LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Moreover some unconventional techniques such as simultaneous LIBS – LA-ICP-OES and laser ablation (LA) – LIBS were also utilized.

Czech abstract

Metody založené na laserové ablaci, jako spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu (LIBS) a Laserová ablace ve spojení s hmotnostní nebo optickou spektrometrií indukčně vázaného plazmatu (LA-ICP-MS/OES) jsou velice vhodné pro mikroanalýzu a stanovení průměrného složení močových kamenů. Úkolem této studie je demonstrovat možnosti a omezení správné kalibrace těchto technik. Standardy obsahující tento typ matrice nejsou komerčně dostupné a použití porovnávacího prvku je ztíženo díky rozmanité krystalové struktuře močových kamenů. Kalibrační tablety proto byly připraveny z reálných močových kamenů s různou matricí – fosfátovou, oxalátovou a urátovou. Pro tuto srovnávací studii byly zvoleny jednak běžné metody laserové ablace jako je LIBS a LA-ICP-MS technika, a dále poněkud netradiční přístupy jako je simultánní LIBS a LA-ICP-OES měření a technika kombinující laserovou ablaci a spektrometrii laserem buzeného plazmatu (LA-LIBS).

English abstract

Methods based on laser ablation, such as Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass/Optical Emission Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS/OES) are particularly suitable for urinary stones bulk and micro analysis. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the calibration capabilities and limitations of these techniques. There are no commercially available standards, which would correspond to urinary calculi matrix. Internal standardization is also difficult, mainly due to different crystalline phases in one kidney stone. Calibration pellets were prepared from human urinary stones with phosphate, oxalate and urate matrix. For this comparative study the most frequently used laser-ablation based analytical techniques were chosen, such as LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Moreover some unconventional techniques such as simultaneous LIBS – LA-ICP-OES and laser ablation (LA) – LIBS were also utilized.

Keywords in English

LIBS; Laser ablation; urinary stones; calibration pellets




book of abstracts of SCIX, 2012, September 30 – October 5, 2012, Kansas City, MO, USA

Pages count