Publication detail

Temperature and pressure effect on gasification process


Czech title

Vliv teploty na proces zplyňování

English title

Temperature and pressure effect on gasification process


conference paper



Original abstract

Gasification is among technologies that allow the use of fuel to produce power and heat. This technology is also suitable for biomass conversion. And the use of this renewable source is used to diversify the energy mix and thus the Czech Republic reduces its dependence on fossil fuels and imported energy raw materials from abroad. During gasification, biomass is converted into gas that can then be burned in gas burner with all advantages of gas combustion; or used in internal combustion engines. The main task during gasification is to achieve maximum purity and calorific value of gas. These are mainly dependent on the type of gasifier, gasification medium, biomass quality and last but not least, on the very gasification mode. The paper describes experiments investigating the effect of temperature and pressure on the gas composition, low calorific value and tars content. Experiments were performed in atmospheric gasifier in the laboratories of the Energy Institute at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology.

Czech abstract

Zplyňování patří mezi technologie, které umožňují využívat paliva k výrobě elektrické energie a tepla. Tato technologie je vhodná i pro konverzi biomasy. A právě využití tohoto obnovitelného zdroje slouží k diverzifikaci energetického mixu ČR a snižuje tak závislost na fosilních palivech a na dovozu energetických surovin ze zahraničí. Při zplyňování je biomasa přeměněna na plyn, který je pak možné spálit na plnovém hořáku se všemi výhodami spalování plynu či využít ve spalovacích motorech KJ. Hlavní snahou při zplyňování je dosažení maximální výhřevnosti a čistoty plynu. Tyto jsou závislé zejména na typu použitého zplyňovače, zplyňovacím mediu, kvalitě biomasy a v neposlední řadě na samotném zplyňovacím režimu. Článek popisuje experimenty zkoumající vliv teploty a tlaku na složení a výhřevnost plynu. Experimenty byly provedeny na atmosférickém zplyňovacím zařízení v laboratořích Energetického ústavu Fakulty strojního inženýrství Vysokého učení technického v Brně.

English abstract

Gasification is among technologies that allow the use of fuel to produce power and heat. This technology is also suitable for biomass conversion. And the use of this renewable source is used to diversify the energy mix and thus the Czech Republic reduces its dependence on fossil fuels and imported energy raw materials from abroad. During gasification, biomass is converted into gas that can then be burned in gas burner with all advantages of gas combustion; or used in internal combustion engines. The main task during gasification is to achieve maximum purity and calorific value of gas. These are mainly dependent on the type of gasifier, gasification medium, biomass quality and last but not least, on the very gasification mode. The paper describes experiments investigating the effect of temperature and pressure on the gas composition, low calorific value and tars content. Experiments were performed in atmospheric gasifier in the laboratories of the Energy Institute at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology.

Keywords in Czech

biomasa, zplyňování, obsah dehtu

Keywords in English

biomass, gasification, tar content, steam, temperature effect

RIV year











Advances in Fluid Mechanics & heat & Mass Transfer

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Marek {Baláš} and Martin {Lisý} and Jiří {Moskalík},
  title="Temperature and pressure effect on gasification process",
  booktitle="Advances in Fluid Mechanics & heat & Mass Transfer",
  publisher="WSEAS Press",