Publication detail

Semiactive Damper in an Experimental Trolley Suspension


Czech title

Semiaktivní tlumič v závěsu experimentálního vozíku

English title

Semiactive Damper in an Experimental Trolley Suspension


conference paper



Original abstract

The experimental trolley is a reduced version of a 1/4 car suspension. With the road simulator, it is possible to simulate behaviour of car suspension with different settings of the damper and sprung and unsprung masses. Because of reduction of the weights, it is necessary to set parameters of the trolley and the damper in such way that the modal features of the suspension should be similar to usual passenger car. The procedure of designing of the ideal damper for this trolley is shown in this article. Because of easy change of the damping characteristics without the need of damper changing, it is advantageous to use some semiactive damper. The semiactive damper based on a magnetorheological effect manufactured by Delphi company with some modifications is used here. For easy calculation of the parameters of the experimental trolley different configurations, model in Mathcad was created.

Czech abstract

Experimentální vozík je zmenšený model závěsu automobilu. S tímto modelem je možné snadno simulovat odpružení automobilu v různých konfiguracích. Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o zmenšený model, pro dosažení stejných modálních parametrů jako má běžný osobní automobil je nejprve třeba určit měřítko modelu a následně úměrně modifikovat hlavní prvky vozíku (odpružená hmota, neodpružená hmota, tuhost pružiny), které ovlivňují modální parametry vozíku. Aby bylo možné měnit tlumící charakteristiky vozíku, byl použit magnetoreologický tlumič od firmy Delphi. Pro snadné určení požadovaných parametrů vozíku pro různé konfigurace, byl vytvořen a ověřen model v Mathcadu.

English abstract

The experimental trolley is a reduced version of a 1/4 car suspension. With the road simulator, it is possible to simulate behaviour of car suspension with different settings of the damper and sprung and unsprung masses. Because of reduction of the weights, it is necessary to set parameters of the trolley and the damper in such way that the modal features of the suspension should be similar to usual passenger car. The procedure of designing of the ideal damper for this trolley is shown in this article. Because of easy change of the damping characteristics without the need of damper changing, it is advantageous to use some semiactive damper. The semiactive damper based on a magnetorheological effect manufactured by Delphi company with some modifications is used here. For easy calculation of the parameters of the experimental trolley different configurations, model in Mathcad was created.

Keywords in Czech

čtvrtinový model, odpružení, semiaktivní, modální parametry

Keywords in English

quarter model, suspension, semi-active, modal parameters

RIV year





Brno University of Technology






Proceedings of the 53rd International Conference of Machine Design Departments

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Zbyněk {Strecker} and Ivan {Mazůrek},
  title="Semiactive Damper in an Experimental Trolley Suspension",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 53rd International Conference of Machine Design Departments",
  publisher="Brno University of Technology",