Publication detail

Coupling of the Models of Human Physiology and Thermal Comfort


Czech title

Svázání modelů lidské fyziologie a tepelného komfortu

English title

Coupling of the Models of Human Physiology and Thermal Comfort


conference paper



Original abstract

A coupled model of human physiology and thermal comfort was developed in Dymola/Modelica. A coupling combines a modified Tanabe model of human physiology and thermal comfort model developed by Zhang. The Coupled model allows predicting the thermal sensation and comfort of both local and overall from local boundary conditions representing ambient and personal factors. The aim of this study was to compare prediction of the Coupled model with the Fiala model prediction and experimental data. Validation data were taken from the literature, mainly from the validation manual of software Theseus-FE [1]. In the paper validation of the model for very light physical activities (1 met) indoor environment with temperatures from 12 C up to 48 C is presented. The Coupled model predicts mean skin temperature for cold, neutral and warm environment well. However prediction of core temperature in cold environment is inaccurate and very affected by ambient temperature. Evaluation of thermal comfort in warm environment is supplemented by skin wettedness prediction. The Coupled model is designed for non-uniform and transient environmental conditions; it is also suitable simulation of thermal comfort in vehicles cabins. The usage of the model is limited for very light physical activities up to 1.2 met only.

Czech abstract

Svázaný model lidské fyziologie a tepelného komfortu byl vytvořen v Dymola/Modelica. Svázání spojuje Tanabeho model model dle Zhang. Svázaný model umožnuje predikci tepelného pocitu a komfortu člověka jak lokálního, tak celkového a to na základě okrajových podmínek okolního prostředí a osobních faktorů. Cíl této studie bylo porovnat predikci Svázaného modelu s modelem dle Fialy a experimentálními daty. Data pro validaci byly převzaty z literatury, převážně z validačního manuálu programu Theseus-FE [1]. V tomto článku je uvedena validace pro velmi nízkou fyzickou zátěž (1 met) ve vnitřním prostředí s teplotami od 12 C do 48 C. Svázaný model predikuje střední teplotu pokožku pro chladné, neutralní a teplé prostředí dobře. Avšak pro predikci vnitřní teploty v chladném prostředí je nepřesný a velmi ovlivněn okolní teplotou. Vyhodnocení tepelného komfortu v horkém prostředí je doplněno u ukazatel pokrytí pokožky potem. Svázaný model je navržen pro nehomogenní a časově proměnlivé okrajové podmínky; rovněž je vhodný pro simulaci teplného komfortu v kabinách dopravních prostředků. Použití modelu je omezeno do fyzické činnosti 1,2 met.

English abstract

A coupled model of human physiology and thermal comfort was developed in Dymola/Modelica. A coupling combines a modified Tanabe model of human physiology and thermal comfort model developed by Zhang. The Coupled model allows predicting the thermal sensation and comfort of both local and overall from local boundary conditions representing ambient and personal factors. The aim of this study was to compare prediction of the Coupled model with the Fiala model prediction and experimental data. Validation data were taken from the literature, mainly from the validation manual of software Theseus-FE [1]. In the paper validation of the model for very light physical activities (1 met) indoor environment with temperatures from 12 C up to 48 C is presented. The Coupled model predicts mean skin temperature for cold, neutral and warm environment well. However prediction of core temperature in cold environment is inaccurate and very affected by ambient temperature. Evaluation of thermal comfort in warm environment is supplemented by skin wettedness prediction. The Coupled model is designed for non-uniform and transient environmental conditions; it is also suitable simulation of thermal comfort in vehicles cabins. The usage of the model is limited for very light physical activities up to 1.2 met only.

Keywords in Czech

Tepelný komfort

Keywords in English

Thermal comfort

RIV year





EDP Sciences








Proceedings of the International Conference Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2012





Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jan {Pokorný} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Coupling of the Models of Human Physiology and Thermal Comfort",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the International Conference Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2012",
  publisher="EDP Sciences",