Publication detail

The effect of residual stresses on crack shape in polymer pipes


Czech title

Vliv reziduálních napětí na tvar trhliny u polymerního potrubí

English title

The effect of residual stresses on crack shape in polymer pipes





Original abstract

The effect of residual stresses on crack geometry and consequently on crack behaviour in polymer pipes is estimated. Crack geometry has a significant influence on the resulting stress intensity factor value. The shape of a crack in three-dimensional analysis was numerically estimated using a special routine which ensures constant stress intensity factor along the crack front. It was found that the crack shape was influenced by the presence of residual stresses and significant increase of the stress intensity factor for a pipe with residual stresses in comparison with a pipe without residual stresses was observed. An approximative equation for stress intensity factor estimation in a pipe with residual stresses was presented and its accuracy tested.

Czech abstract

V práci je studován vliv reziduálních napětí na tvar existující trhliny u polymerního potrubí. Geometrie trhliny má významný vliv na výslednou hodnotu součinitele intenzity napětí. Na základě 3D numerického modelu potrubí s trhlinou s uvažováním reziduálního napětí byl nalezen tvar trhliny za předpokladu konstantní hodnoty součinitele intenzity napětí podél čela trhliny. Bylo zjištěno, že tvar trhliny ovlivňuje existence zbytkových napětí a dochází k nárůstu hodnot součinitele intenzity napětí ve srovnání s trubkou bez reziduálních napětí.

English abstract

The effect of residual stresses on crack geometry and consequently on crack behaviour in polymer pipes is estimated. Crack geometry has a significant influence on the resulting stress intensity factor value. The shape of a crack in three-dimensional analysis was numerically estimated using a special routine which ensures constant stress intensity factor along the crack front. It was found that the crack shape was influenced by the presence of residual stresses and significant increase of the stress intensity factor for a pipe with residual stresses in comparison with a pipe without residual stresses was observed. An approximative equation for stress intensity factor estimation in a pipe with residual stresses was presented and its accuracy tested.

Keywords in Czech

reziduální napětí, tvar trhliny, součinitel intenzity napětí

Keywords in English

residual stresses, crack shape, stres intensity factor




The Fourth International Conference on Crack Paths 2012

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