Publication detail

Experimental Study on NOx Formation in Gas-staged Burner Based on the Design of Experiments


Czech title

Experimentální studie tvorby NOx v hořáku se stupňovitým přívodem plynu s využitím plánování experimentu

English title

Experimental Study on NOx Formation in Gas-staged Burner Based on the Design of Experiments


journal article - other



Original abstract

The presented paper is focused on the experimental study of the influence of combustion operating conditions and burner constructional parts on the formation of nitrogen oxides. The combustion tests were carried out at the large-scale burners testing facility that enables to test the burners up to the heat output of 1,800 kW. The tested burner was the low-NOx type burner, namely the two-staged gas burner. The paper describes in detail the tested burner and the parameters which were changed during the combustion tests. Since the number of parameters was high and if the tests were carried out for all mutual combinations of parameters, the scope of experiment would be disproportionately large, expensive and time consuming. For that reason the combustion tests were carried out according to the sophisticated statistical approach called the design of experiment. Based on the acquired experimental data the mathematical model predicting NOx concentration in flue gas depending on the investigated parameters was developed.

Czech abstract

Článek je zaměřen na experimentální vyhodnocení vlivu provozních parametrů spalování a konstrukčních parametrů hořáku na tvorbu oxidů dusíku. Zkoušky spalování byly provedeny na zkušebně hořáků, která umožňuje zkoušet hořáky až do výkonu 1,8 MW. Zkoušky byly provedeny užitím experimentálního nízkoemisního hořáku, konkrétně hořáku s dvoustupňovým přívodem paliva. Tento článek detailně popisuje výše zmíněný experimentální hořák a parametry (faktory), které byly v průběhu zkoušek nastavovány. Jelikož počet parametrů byl vysoký a v případě, že by měly být zkoušeny všechny kombinace parametrů, byl by rozsah experimentu neúměrně velký, finančně i časově náročný. Z tohoto důvodu byl plán experimentu vytvořen s pomocí statistké metody zvané Plánování experimentu, díky které byl rozsah experimentu redukován, avšak současně byly obdrženy kvalitní data pro další zpracování. Z naměřených dat byl odvozen matematický model predikující koncentraci NOx ve spalinách v závislosti na zkoumaných parametrech.

English abstract

The presented paper is focused on the experimental study of the influence of combustion operating conditions and burner constructional parts on the formation of nitrogen oxides. The combustion tests were carried out at the large-scale burners testing facility that enables to test the burners up to the heat output of 1,800 kW. The tested burner was the low-NOx type burner, namely the two-staged gas burner. The paper describes in detail the tested burner and the parameters which were changed during the combustion tests. Since the number of parameters was high and if the tests were carried out for all mutual combinations of parameters, the scope of experiment would be disproportionately large, expensive and time consuming. For that reason the combustion tests were carried out according to the sophisticated statistical approach called the design of experiment. Based on the acquired experimental data the mathematical model predicting NOx concentration in flue gas depending on the investigated parameters was developed.

Keywords in Czech

Stupňovitý přívod paliva, plánování experimentu, oxidy dusíku, spalování

Keywords in English

Gas staging, design of experiments, nitrogen oxides, combustion

RIV year





AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Milano, Italy







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Petr {Bělohradský} and Vít {Kermes},
  title="Experimental Study on NOx Formation in Gas-staged Burner Based on the Design of Experiments",
  publisher="AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.",
  address="Milano, Italy",