Publication detail

Microcogeneration Unit for Small Industry Applications


Czech title

Mikrokogenerační jednoty pro malé průmyslové aplikace

English title

Microcogeneration Unit for Small Industry Applications


conference paper



Original abstract

This paper deals with the issue of biomass and sorted municipal waste gasification and cogeneration using hot-air turbo-set. It brings description of designed pilot plant with electrical output 80 kWe. The generated gas is burned in secondary combustion chamber located beyond the gas generator. Flue gas flows through the heat exchanger where the compressed air is heated and consequently brought to a micro turbine. Except description, this paper brings our basic experiences from operating of pilot plant (operating parameters, contributions, problems during operating, etc.). The principal advantage of the given cycle is the fact that there is no contact between the generated gas and the turbine. So there is no need for costly and complicated gas cleaning which is the main source of operating problems in direct use in combustion engines because the content of impurities in the gas causes operation problems to the units due to clogging and tarring of working surfaces of engines and turbines, which may lead as far as serious damage to the equipment under operation. Another merit is the compact container package making installation of the facility easier or making it relatively more mobile. We imagine, this solution of cogeneration from biomass or waste can be suitable for small industrial or communal applications, for low output cogeneration.

Czech abstract

Tato práce se zabývá problematikou biomasy a tříděného komunálního odpadu zplyňováním a kogenerací pomocí horkovzdušného turbosoustrojí. Článek obsahuje popis navrženého zkušebního provozu s elektrickým výstupem 80 kWe. Generovaný plyn je spalován v sekundární spalovací komoře. Spaliny proudí přes výměník tepla, kde se stlačený vzduch zahřívá a následně je zaveden do mikroturbíny. Kromě popisu, tento článek přináší naše zkušenosti z provozu pilotního zařízení (provozní parametry, příspěvky, problémy během provozu, atd.). Hlavní výhodou daného cyklu je skutečnost, že nedojde ke kontaktu mezi generovaného plynu a turbínou. Není tedy zapotřebí nákladné a složité čištění plynů, který je hlavním zdrojem provozních problémů v přímém použití ve spalovacích motorech, protože obsah nečistot v plynu způsobuje provozní problémy jednotek kvůli ucpání a dehtování pracovních ploch motorů a turbíny, které by mohly vést až k vážným poškozením zařízení za provozu. Toto řešení kogenerace z biomasy nebo odpadů je vhodné pro malé průmyslové nebo komunální použití.

English abstract

This paper deals with the issue of biomass and sorted municipal waste gasification and cogeneration using hot-air turbo-set. It brings description of designed pilot plant with electrical output 80 kWe. The generated gas is burned in secondary combustion chamber located beyond the gas generator. Flue gas flows through the heat exchanger where the compressed air is heated and consequently brought to a micro turbine. Except description, this paper brings our basic experiences from operating of pilot plant (operating parameters, contributions, problems during operating, etc.). The principal advantage of the given cycle is the fact that there is no contact between the generated gas and the turbine. So there is no need for costly and complicated gas cleaning which is the main source of operating problems in direct use in combustion engines because the content of impurities in the gas causes operation problems to the units due to clogging and tarring of working surfaces of engines and turbines, which may lead as far as serious damage to the equipment under operation. Another merit is the compact container package making installation of the facility easier or making it relatively more mobile. We imagine, this solution of cogeneration from biomass or waste can be suitable for small industrial or communal applications, for low output cogeneration.

Keywords in English

biomass gasification, cogeneration, small apllication

RIV year











Advances in Fliod Mechanics & Heat & Mass Transfer

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Martin {Lisý} and Otakar {Štelcl} and Zdeněk {Skála} and Marek {Baláš},
  title="Microcogeneration Unit for Small Industry Applications",
  booktitle="Advances in Fliod Mechanics & Heat & Mass Transfer",