Publication detail

Balances of contaminants in flue gas from municipal waste incineration plant


Czech title

Bilance znečišťujících látek ve spalinách komunální spalovny odpadů

English title

Balances of contaminants in flue gas from municipal waste incineration plant


journal article - other



Original abstract

Due to current increased interest in the environment protection, the issue of waste treatment has to be solved. Those wastes that cannot be immediately materially used can be treated in many different ways, from landfilling up to thermal decomposition processes. Although landfilling can seem as the most favourable way at the first sight, it is connected with accumulation, pollution of the surroundings and the ground water, prevalence of infections etc. The thermal decomposition processes are necessary not only because of detoxification, but also because of prevention of excessive load of the environment. At the same time, the wastes are becoming a secondary energy source. Yet, the thermal ways also have their difficulties, namely emissions to the air, residual wastes and water pollution. The emissions to the air represent pollutants in the flue gas that are produced during the incineration process and have harmful or even toxic properties. The residual wastes are products that are produced by incineration, namely cinder, ash and fly ash. The results of technical measurement that should have gained data needed from particular key technologies in the incineration plant to create an overall balance of solid pollutants, particularly heavy metals, will be presented in this paper.

Czech abstract

V dnešní době zvýšeného zájmu o problematiku ochrany životního prostředí je nutné také řešit problematiku nakládání s odpady. S odpady, které nelze bezprostředně materiálově využít, může být nakládáno celou řadou postupů, od pouhého skládkování až po procesy termického rozkladu. Ačkoliv se na první pohled může skládkování vyprodukovaných odpadů jevit jako nejvýhodnější řešení, je tento způsob spojen s: hromaděním, znečišťováním okolí a spodních vod, rozšiřováním infekcí atd. Procesy termického rozkladu jsou nutné nejen z důvodu detoxikace, ale i pro zamezení nadměrného zatížení životního prostřední. Současně se odpady stávají druhotným energetickým zdrojem. V tomto příspěvku budou zveřejněny výsledky technického měření, které mělo za účel získání potřebných dat od jednotlivých klíčových technologií na spalovně odpadů k vytvoření celkové bilance tuhých znečišťujících látek, zejména těžkých kovů.

English abstract

Due to current increased interest in the environment protection, the issue of waste treatment has to be solved. Those wastes that cannot be immediately materially used can be treated in many different ways, from landfilling up to thermal decomposition processes. Although landfilling can seem as the most favourable way at the first sight, it is connected with accumulation, pollution of the surroundings and the ground water, prevalence of infections etc. The thermal decomposition processes are necessary not only because of detoxification, but also because of prevention of excessive load of the environment. At the same time, the wastes are becoming a secondary energy source. Yet, the thermal ways also have their difficulties, namely emissions to the air, residual wastes and water pollution. The emissions to the air represent pollutants in the flue gas that are produced during the incineration process and have harmful or even toxic properties. The residual wastes are products that are produced by incineration, namely cinder, ash and fly ash. The results of technical measurement that should have gained data needed from particular key technologies in the incineration plant to create an overall balance of solid pollutants, particularly heavy metals, will be presented in this paper.

Keywords in Czech

spalovna odpadů, bilance těžkých kovů

Keywords in English

waste incinerator, the balance of heavy metals

RIV year





AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Milano, Italy







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="David {Jecha} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Balances of contaminants in flue gas from municipal waste incineration plant",
  publisher="AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.",
  address="Milano, Italy",