Publication detail

Transient simulation temperature field for continuous casting steel slab


Czech title

Nestacionární simulace teplotního pole pro plynule odlévané ocelové bramy

English title

Transient simulation temperature field for continuous casting steel slab


conference paper



Original abstract

The presented models are a valuable computational tools and accurate simulator for investigating transient phenomena in slab caster operations, and for developing control methods, the choice of an optimum cooling strategy to meet all quality requirements, and an assessment of the heat energy content required for direct rolling. The numerical models of temperature field in the continuous casting are determined via the transient 3D enthalpy balance equation with the Finite Differences Method. The transient simulation is undergoing a non-stop trial run in one operation because steel slabs are produced 24 hours per day. The numerical computation has to take place simultaneously with the data acquisition not only to confront it with the actual numerical model, but also to make it more accurate throughout the process. It enables a multiple increase in the speed with which the temperature field of the continuous casting is computed both with the application of more sophisticated software as well as hardware. As a result of this, it will be possible to monitor the formation of the temperature field in real time within the mould, the secondary and maybe even the tertiary-cooling zones, and also to utilise this information for the optimisation of the control of the caster as a whole as well as its individual parts. There are examples of the application of the models on the temperature field of a real concast slab on Evraz Vitkovice Steel.

Czech abstract

Prezentované modely jsou cenným výpočetních nástrojů a přesný simulátor pro vyšetřování přechodné jevy v desce kolečka operace, a pro vývoj kontrolní metody, volba optimální chlazení strategie pro splnění všech požadavků na kvalitu, a posouzení obsahu tepelné energie potřebné pro přímou válcování. numerické modely teplotního pole v kontinuální lití jsou určeny pomocí přechodových 3D rovnice tepelná bilance s Rozdíly konečných metody. přechodné simulace prochází non-stop zkušební provoz v jedné operaci, protože ocelové pláty jsou vyráběny 24 hodin denně. numerické výpočty musí probíhat současně s sběr dat nejen konfrontovat ji se skutečnou numerického modelu, ale také, aby bylo přesnější v průběhu celého procesu. To umožňuje vícenásobné zvýšení rychlosti, s jakou teplotní pole kontinuální lití je počítán jak s použitím více sofistikovaných softwarových i hardwarových. V důsledku toho bude možné sledovat vznik teplotního pole v reálném čase ve formě, sekundární a možná i terciární-chladící zóny, a také využít tuto informaci pro optimalizaci řízení kolo jako celek i její jednotlivé části. Tam jsou příklady použití modelů na teplotní pole v reálném concast desky na Evraz Vítkovice Steel.

English abstract

The presented models are a valuable computational tools and accurate simulator for investigating transient phenomena in slab caster operations, and for developing control methods, the choice of an optimum cooling strategy to meet all quality requirements, and an assessment of the heat energy content required for direct rolling. The numerical models of temperature field in the continuous casting are determined via the transient 3D enthalpy balance equation with the Finite Differences Method. The transient simulation is undergoing a non-stop trial run in one operation because steel slabs are produced 24 hours per day. The numerical computation has to take place simultaneously with the data acquisition not only to confront it with the actual numerical model, but also to make it more accurate throughout the process. It enables a multiple increase in the speed with which the temperature field of the continuous casting is computed both with the application of more sophisticated software as well as hardware. As a result of this, it will be possible to monitor the formation of the temperature field in real time within the mould, the secondary and maybe even the tertiary-cooling zones, and also to utilise this information for the optimisation of the control of the caster as a whole as well as its individual parts. There are examples of the application of the models on the temperature field of a real concast slab on Evraz Vitkovice Steel.

Keywords in Czech

plynulé odlévání, simulace, přechodné, teplotní pole

Keywords in English

continuously casting, simulation, transient, temperature field

RIV year





Tanger s.r.o.






TR Proceedings METAL 2011

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Josef {Štětina} and František {Kavička} and Lubomír {Klimeš} and Miloš {Masarik} and Zdeněk {Šaňa},
  title="Transient simulation temperature field for continuous casting steel slab",
  booktitle="TR Proceedings METAL 2011",
  publisher="Tanger s.r.o.",