Publication detail

Development of Internal Stresses in Alumina-Zirconia Laminates


Czech title

Vývoj vnitřních napětí v Al2O3/ZrO2 laminátech

English title

Development of Internal Stresses in Alumina-Zirconia Laminates


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

The laminated ceramics can provide a flaw tolerant behaviour compare to the monolithic ceramics. Two ways how to ensure flaw tolerant behaviour of layered materials are known. The first is based on production of weak interfaces between layers allowing delamination without catastrophic failure. The second way, on the contrary, uses strong bond between layers ensuring high strength and stiffness. The presence of internal stresses developed due to differences in shrinkage of individual layers can effectively change the crack path or even more to stop the crack propagation. Laminated structures with strong bond between layers can be prepared by various methods including tape casting, slip casting and last but not least by electrophoretic deposition. The electrophoretic deposition is probably the most suitable method which is able to create sharp and therefore strong interface in wide range of preciously set layer thicknesses. This contribution demonstrates a way how to determine level of internal stresses based on combined numerical simulation and dilatometric measurements. For this purposes alumina and zirconia monoliths and laminates were prepared. The numerical model of laminated structure using measured data was created for FEM simulation to obtain a stress distribution.

Czech abstract

Vrstevnaté keramiky mohou poskytnout srovnatelné "flaw tolerant" chování jako keramiky monolitické. Jsou známy dva přístupy jak zajistit toto chování. První je založen na přípravě oslabených rozhraní mezi vrstvami, které zaručí delaminaci bez katastrofického porušení. Druhým přístupem je naopak použití pevné vazby rozhraní mezi vrstvami zaručující vysokou pevnost a tuhost. Přítomnost vnitřních napětí vzniklých rozdílným smrštěním jednotlivých vrstev může poté efektivně měnit směr šíření trhliny nebo dokonce trhlinu zastavit. Vrstevnaté keramické materiály mohou být připraveny pomocí mnoha metod zahrnující metody tape casting, slip casting a také metodou elektroforetické depozice. Elektroforetická depozice je asi nejvíce vhodnou metodou, kterou je možné připravit ostré a pevné rozhraní v širokém rozsahu rozměrově definovaných tlouštěk vrstev. Tento příspěvek demonstruje přístup jak popsat vnitřní napětí založený na numerických simulacích a dilatometrických měřeních. Pro tyto účely byly připraveny monolitické a vrstevnaté keramické materiály. Numerický model vrstevnaté struktury využívající změřená data byl vytvořen pro FEM simulaci k získání distribuce napětí.

English abstract

The laminated ceramics can provide a flaw tolerant behaviour compare to the monolithic ceramics. Two ways how to ensure flaw tolerant behaviour of layered materials are known. The first is based on production of weak interfaces between layers allowing delamination without catastrophic failure. The second way, on the contrary, uses strong bond between layers ensuring high strength and stiffness. The presence of internal stresses developed due to differences in shrinkage of individual layers can effectively change the crack path or even more to stop the crack propagation. Laminated structures with strong bond between layers can be prepared by various methods including tape casting, slip casting and last but not least by electrophoretic deposition. The electrophoretic deposition is probably the most suitable method which is able to create sharp and therefore strong interface in wide range of preciously set layer thicknesses. This contribution demonstrates a way how to determine level of internal stresses based on combined numerical simulation and dilatometric measurements. For this purposes alumina and zirconia monoliths and laminates were prepared. The numerical model of laminated structure using measured data was created for FEM simulation to obtain a stress distribution.

Keywords in Czech

oxid hlinitý, oxid zirkoničitý, laminát, EPD, zbytková napětí

Keywords in English

Alumina, Zirconia, Laminate, EPD, Residual stresses

RIV year










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  author="Zdeněk {Chlup} and Hynek {Hadraba} and Daniel {Drdlík} and Karel {Maca} and Ivo {Dlouhý},
  title="Development of Internal Stresses in Alumina-Zirconia Laminates",