Publication detail

Monitoring of Phytoremediation Processes via Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Plants

NOVOTNÝ, Karel - KRAJCAROVÁ, Lucie - KAISER, Jozef - MALINA, Radomír - KONEČNÁ, Veronika - KIZEK, René - MARTIN, Madhavi

Czech title

Monitoring fytoremediačních procesů pomocí spelktrometrie laserem buzeného plazmatu (LIBS) analýza akumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách

English title

Monitoring of Phytoremediation Processes via Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Plants





Original abstract

Here we report on utilization of LIBS for investigation of copper and calcium distribution in different plant tissues and organs (pine-needles, leaves, twigs)of trees from remediation area of former copper mine in Smolník, Slovak Republic. The samples of birch (Betulapendula), poplar (Populustremula), spruce (Piceaabies) and pine (Pinussylvestris) were collected. For comparative laboratory experiments Piceaabies samples were chosen. Cross sections throughout annual terminal twigs cultivated in CuCl2 solution of different concentrations were prepared and analyzed by LIBS.

Czech abstract

Je demonstrováno použití LIBS pro sledování distribuce mědi a vápníku v různých rostlinných tkáních a orgánech (smrkové jehličí, listy, větvičky) různých stromů z remediační oblasti původního měděného dolu v obci Smolník, Slovenská Republika. Byl proveden sběr vzorků břízy (Betulapendula), topolu (Populustremula), smrku (Piceaabies) a borovice (Pinussylvestris). Pro srovnávací experimenty byly zvoleny vzorky smrku. Byly připraveny příčné řezy výhonků kultivovaných v roztocích CuCl2 o různé koncentraci a analyzovány metodou LIBS.

English abstract

Here we report on utilization of LIBS for investigation of copper and calcium distribution in different plant tissues and organs (pine-needles, leaves, twigs)of trees from remediation area of former copper mine in Smolník, Slovak Republic. The samples of birch (Betulapendula), poplar (Populustremula), spruce (Piceaabies) and pine (Pinussylvestris) were collected. For comparative laboratory experiments Piceaabies samples were chosen. Cross sections throughout annual terminal twigs cultivated in CuCl2 solution of different concentrations were prepared and analyzed by LIBS.

Keywords in English

phytoremediation; heavy metal accumulation laser-induced breakdown spectrometry; LIBS



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