Publication detail

The Potential of Laser Based Analytical Techniques for the Characterization of Biofilms.


Czech title

Možnosti analytických technik využívajících laserovou ablaci ke charakterizaci biofilmů

English title

The Potential of Laser Based Analytical Techniques for the Characterization of Biofilms.





Original abstract

The question of biofilm definition has been debated in many discussions. We favour the simple definition from a recently published review – a biofilm is a thin coating comprised of living material. We report on chemical analysis of biofilms (algal and bacterial) and single microorganism cells. We combine the laser based analytical techniques – Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), femtosecond Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (fs-LA-ICP-TOF-MS) and Raman spectroscopy/Raman tweezers to assess both the elemental composition and the character of the organic matter comprising the biofilms. We correlate the information obtained in Raman experiments with the data from the LIBS and TOF-MS experiments to obtain a complex set of data characterizing the biofilms cultured in different conditions (e.g. different culture media, metal-ion binding properties, time of cultivation, temperature etc.). These findings contribute to elucidating of the fundamental questions about the role of an intercellular variability in a biofilm formation, understanding the biofilm behaviour, and consequently devising a more efficient strategy for preventing and / or induction of the biofilm formation and potential applications in bioremediation technologies.

Czech abstract

Práce pojednává o možnostech využití experimentálních technik založených na laserové ablaci, jako např. spektrometrie laserem indukovaného mikroplazmatu (LIBS), nebo LA-ICP-MS na analýzu chemického složení materiálu pro charkaterizaci biofilmů.

English abstract

The question of biofilm definition has been debated in many discussions. We favour the simple definition from a recently published review – a biofilm is a thin coating comprised of living material. We report on chemical analysis of biofilms (algal and bacterial) and single microorganism cells. We combine the laser based analytical techniques – Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), femtosecond Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (fs-LA-ICP-TOF-MS) and Raman spectroscopy/Raman tweezers to assess both the elemental composition and the character of the organic matter comprising the biofilms. We correlate the information obtained in Raman experiments with the data from the LIBS and TOF-MS experiments to obtain a complex set of data characterizing the biofilms cultured in different conditions (e.g. different culture media, metal-ion binding properties, time of cultivation, temperature etc.). These findings contribute to elucidating of the fundamental questions about the role of an intercellular variability in a biofilm formation, understanding the biofilm behaviour, and consequently devising a more efficient strategy for preventing and / or induction of the biofilm formation and potential applications in bioremediation technologies.

Keywords in English

LIBS, biofilm, laser-ablation



Pages count