Publication detail

Theoretical, Comoputational and Experimental Analysis of Taylor Vortices During Fluid Film Interaction with Structures


Czech title

Teoretická, výpočtová a experimentální analýza Taylorových vírů při interakci tělesa a tekutiny

English title

Theoretical, Comoputational and Experimental Analysis of Taylor Vortices During Fluid Film Interaction with Structures


conference paper



Original abstract

This contribution is focused on the interaction of a rigid body with a thin fluid layer. Some technical applications are for example: long and short, cavitating or noncavitating journal bearings. The governing equations for this analysis are the Navier Stokes (NS) equation, and the continuity and boundary conditions. The theoretical basis of a new approach to the analysis of dynamic behavior of nonstationary motion in time and frequency domains is presented. This totally new approach is based on separating the shaft and liquid layer from each other. It is possible to establish, using this separation, a database of additional effects of fluid film for a single given shaft parameter, which can be the shaft center position. The Bézier body is used for approximating the geometrical configuration as well as the velocities and pressures. The governing equations for both the net method and method of control volumes are presented. Curvilinear co-ordinates are used for describing the geometrical configuration and perpendicular co-ordinates are used for solving velocities and pressures

Czech abstract

V příspěvku je uveden teoretický přístup k analýze a přístup k výpočtovému modelování dynamických vlastností tenkých tekutinových vrstev. Je uvedeno porovnání řešení dle dvou přístupů. První přístup vychází z transformace, která má tvar konvolutorního integrálu. Pokud je tekutina stlačitelná, má tento přístup značné omezení. V takovém případě musí být pro separování pohybu tělesa a tekutiny použita jiná transformace. V tomto případě nemá transformace tvar konvolutorního integrálu. Ze závislostí komplexní dynamické síly na frekvenci buzení lze stanovit tenzory přídavných účinků

English abstract

This contribution is focused on the interaction of a rigid body with a thin fluid layer. Some technical applications are for example: long and short, cavitating or noncavitating journal bearings. The governing equations for this analysis are the Navier Stokes (NS) equation, and the continuity and boundary conditions. The theoretical basis of a new approach to the analysis of dynamic behavior of nonstationary motion in time and frequency domains is presented. This totally new approach is based on separating the shaft and liquid layer from each other. It is possible to establish, using this separation, a database of additional effects of fluid film for a single given shaft parameter, which can be the shaft center position. The Bézier body is used for approximating the geometrical configuration as well as the velocities and pressures. The governing equations for both the net method and method of control volumes are presented. Curvilinear co-ordinates are used for describing the geometrical configuration and perpendicular co-ordinates are used for solving velocities and pressures

Keywords in English

Navier-Stokes eq., Computational modeling, journal bearings

RIV year









9 th. Internationale Conference on Numerical methods in Continuum Mechanics.NMCM 2003

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Eduard {Malenovský} and František {Pochylý},
  title="Theoretical, Comoputational and Experimental Analysis of Taylor Vortices During Fluid Film Interaction with Structures",
  booktitle="9 th. Internationale Conference on Numerical methods in Continuum Mechanics.NMCM 2003",