Publication detail

Near-Gamma TiAl Investment Casting and its Optimization


Czech title

Optimalizace přesného lití odlitků GAMA

English title

Near-Gamma TiAl Investment Casting and its Optimization


conference paper



Original abstract

Two drawbacks are associated with the Induction Skull Melting process often used in the neargamma TiAl investment casting technology: (i) a relatively small achievable superheat which could cause misruns in thin-wall castings and (ii) a high investment cost necessary to built up the melting unit. Therefore, a more common melting route based on a refractory crucible has been reconsidered to overcome both disadvantages. The paper reports on results of trial casting experiments performed using this common melting route. A preliminary metallographic study indicated that, while the cast volume is free of the contamination, which would result from the reaction between the melt and the crucible, there still are internal microcracks generated during the cast solidification and cooling. Modelling and experimental effort was spent to optimise key parameters of the process (the amount of superheat, the mould temperature and the cooling kinetics) and to improve the quality of casts.

Czech abstract

S tavicím procesem skull melting, často užívaným k odléní odlitků z intermetalik gama TiAl, jsou spojeny dvě hlavní nevýhody : (i) relativně malé dosažitelné přehřátí taveniny, které může způsobit nezaběhnutí tenkostěnných odlitků a (ii) vysoké investiční náklady nezbytné k pořízení tavicí jednotky. K překonání obou nevýhod byla proto použita běžná technologie tavení v keramickém tavicím kelímku. Článek předkládá výsledky provedených experimentů. Předběžné metalografické studium ukázalo, že objem odlitku je bez znečištění vyvolaného reakcí mezi roztaveným kovem a kelímkem, vyskytují se však v něm vnitřní mikroskopické trhlinky vygenerované během ochlazování odlitku. Matematické modelování a experimentální práce byly proto zaměřeny na optimalizaci klíčových parametrů procesu (přehřátí taveniny, teplota formy, kinetika ochlazování odlitku)s cílem zlepšení kvality odlitků.

English abstract

Two drawbacks are associated with the Induction Skull Melting process often used in the neargamma TiAl investment casting technology: (i) a relatively small achievable superheat which could cause misruns in thin-wall castings and (ii) a high investment cost necessary to built up the melting unit. Therefore, a more common melting route based on a refractory crucible has been reconsidered to overcome both disadvantages. The paper reports on results of trial casting experiments performed using this common melting route. A preliminary metallographic study indicated that, while the cast volume is free of the contamination, which would result from the reaction between the melt and the crucible, there still are internal microcracks generated during the cast solidification and cooling. Modelling and experimental effort was spent to optimise key parameters of the process (the amount of superheat, the mould temperature and the cooling kinetics) and to improve the quality of casts.

Keywords in Czech

Přesné lití, optimalizace

Keywords in English

Investment casting, optimization

RIV year





The Minerals, Metals + Materials Society


San Diego, California, USA




TMS 2003

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Antonín {Dlouhý} and Ladislav {Zemčík} and Robert {Válek},
  title="Near-Gamma TiAl Investment Casting and its Optimization",
  booktitle="TMS 2003",
  publisher="The Minerals, Metals + Materials Society",
  address="San Diego, California, USA",