Publication detail
Water chamber geometry and stabilizer construction effect on water pressure distribution of high pressure descaling nozzles
Czech title
Vliv geometrie vodní komory a konstrukce stabilizátoru na rozložení tlaku vody z vysokotlakých odkujovacích trysek
English title
Water chamber geometry and stabilizer construction effect on water pressure distribution of high pressure descaling nozzles
conference paper
Original abstract
High pressure descaling nozzles are used mainly for removing oxides from hot steel products. The homogeneity and intensity of water pressure distribution on the oxidised surface are very important characteristics for a description of nozzle characteristics. The higher the water impact is the more scales are removed and the surface is cleaner. The results of water impact depend not only on the used nozzle but also on the used water stabilizer and geometry of water chamber in which the nozzle with the stabilizer is mounted. To analyse the real water pressure distribution a special measuring device was used that enables us to scan pressure distribution of the spraying nozzle. Two different nozzles were used, each with a different construction of a stabilizer. The nozzles with the stabilizers were mounted in the water chambers with different geometries. It was confirmed that water chamber geometry has a slight effect on water pressure distribution. It was also found that for some geometry of the stabilizer the water chamber geometry has a bigger effect and for some smaller. The measured values are also compared with numerical simulations in the water chamber and the stabilizer.
Czech abstract
Vysokotlaké odkujovací trysky jsou používány hlavně pro odstraňování oxidů železa z povrchu horkých ocelí. Homogenita a rozložení intenzity vodního paprsku na zoxidovaném povrchu jsou velmi důležité parametry pro charakteristiku trysky. Čím větší je náraz vody na povrch, tím více okují je odstraněno a povrch je čistší. Výsledná rozložení tlaku vody nezávisí pouze na použité trysce, ale také na použitém stabilizátoru a geometrii vodní komory, na kterou je tryska namontována. Pro analýzu reálného rozložení tlaku dopadové vody bylo vyvinuto speciální měřící zařízení, které nám dovoluje měřit rozložení tlaku vody vycházející z trysky. Pro měření byly použity dvě různé trysky, z nichž u každé byl použit jiný druh stabilizátoru. Tyto trysky byly namontovány na vodní komory různých geometrií. Bylo potvrzeno, že vodní komora má malý dopad na rozložení tlaku vody z trysky. Také bylo zjištěno, že pro nějaké geometrie stabilizátoru má vodní komora větší efekt a pro některé menší. Tyto naměřené hodnoty jsou porovnatelné s numerickými výpočty.
English abstract
High pressure descaling nozzles are used mainly for removing oxides from hot steel products. The homogeneity and intensity of water pressure distribution on the oxidised surface are very important characteristics for a description of nozzle characteristics. The higher the water impact is the more scales are removed and the surface is cleaner. The results of water impact depend not only on the used nozzle but also on the used water stabilizer and geometry of water chamber in which the nozzle with the stabilizer is mounted. To analyse the real water pressure distribution a special measuring device was used that enables us to scan pressure distribution of the spraying nozzle. Two different nozzles were used, each with a different construction of a stabilizer. The nozzles with the stabilizers were mounted in the water chambers with different geometries. It was confirmed that water chamber geometry has a slight effect on water pressure distribution. It was also found that for some geometry of the stabilizer the water chamber geometry has a bigger effect and for some smaller. The measured values are also compared with numerical simulations in the water chamber and the stabilizer.
Keywords in Czech
tryska, stabilizátor, tlak, voda, okuje, komora, měření, simulace
Keywords in English
nozzle, stabilizer, pressure, water, scales, chamber, measurement, simulation
RIV year
Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2011
Edition number
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jiří {Kvapil} and Jozef {Hrabovský} and Michal {Pohanka},
title="Water chamber geometry and stabilizer construction effect on water pressure distribution of high pressure descaling nozzles",
booktitle="Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2011",