Publication detail

Air Quality inUrban Areas: Traffic induced pollutants concentration and dispersion


Czech title

Air Quality inUrban Areas: Traffic induced pollutants concentration and dispersion

English title

Air Quality inUrban Areas: Traffic induced pollutants concentration and dispersion


conference paper



Original abstract

An Eulerian-Lagrangian method developed for road tunnels has been further extended and modified for pollutants dispersion in street canyons and cross roads. The method is based on CFD modelling and accounts for moving vehicles and by them induced flow and turbulence. The team has been focusing on both theoretical advancement of the aforementioned method and onto applications to actual city areas. The theoretical development was oriented mainly to model dynamic situations of "Stop-And-Go" in intersections. The model was applied to real situations in the city intersection in the city of Brno and in the frame of an excercise also to a street structure in Hannover in Germany (Podbielski strasse). The prediction was compared with field measurements.

Czech abstract

An Eulerian-Lagrangian method developed for road tunnels has been further extended and modified for pollutants dispersion in street canyons and cross roads. The method is based on CFD modelling and accounts for moving vehicles and by them induced flow and turbulence. The team has been focusing on both theoretical advancement of the aforementioned method and onto applications to actual city areas. The theoretical development was oriented mainly to model dynamic situations of "Stop-And-Go" in intersections. The model was applied to real situations in the city intersection in the city of Brno and in the frame of an excercise also to a street structure in Hannover in Germany (Podbielski strasse). The prediction was compared with field measurements.

English abstract

An Eulerian-Lagrangian method developed for road tunnels has been further extended and modified for pollutants dispersion in street canyons and cross roads. The method is based on CFD modelling and accounts for moving vehicles and by them induced flow and turbulence. The team has been focusing on both theoretical advancement of the aforementioned method and onto applications to actual city areas. The theoretical development was oriented mainly to model dynamic situations of "Stop-And-Go" in intersections. The model was applied to real situations in the city intersection in the city of Brno and in the frame of an excercise also to a street structure in Hannover in Germany (Podbielski strasse). The prediction was compared with field measurements.

Keywords in English

CFD modeling, city air quality, pollutants dispersion, traffic

RIV year





GSF-Forschungzentrum, Munchen, SRN


Munchen, SRN




Symposium 2002, Eurotrac-2

Pages count



  author="Miroslav {Jícha} and Jiří {Pospíšil} and Jaroslav {Katolický},
  title="Air Quality inUrban Areas: Traffic induced pollutants concentration and dispersion",
  booktitle="Symposium 2002, Eurotrac-2",
  publisher="GSF-Forschungzentrum, Munchen, SRN",
  address="Munchen, SRN",