Publication detail
Optimization of heat treatment and its influence on corrosion behaviour of AZ61 magnesium alloy
Czech title
Optimalizace tepelného zpracování hořčíkové slitiny AZ61 a její vliv na korozní vlastnosti
English title
Optimization of heat treatment and its influence on corrosion behaviour of AZ61 magnesium alloy
Original abstract
The influence of solution heat treatment on corroison behaviour and mechanical properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy prepared by squeeze casting was evaluated. Experimental material was subjected to solution heat treatment at 380 C for various periods of time with subsequent water quenching. Metallographic analysis and tensile test were performed for assessment of optimum conditions of heat treatment. A temperature of 380 C and annealing time of 6 hours at the temperature were found to be optimal. Corrosion behaviour of both conditions, as cast (F) and solution heat treated (T4) was evaluated through neutral salt spray test and electrochemical spectroscopy method. Corroison rate was established on the basis of mass losses, teh corroded surfaces were analyzed using SEM.
Czech abstract
Byl posuzován vliv rozpoštěcího žíhání na korozní chování a mechanické vlastnosti slitiny AZ61 vyrobené metodou squeeze casting. Experimentální materiál byl tepelně zpracován rozpouštěcím žíháním př teplotě 380 C s různou dobou prodlevy na teplotě a následným ochlazením do vody. Pro posouzení nejvhodnějších podmínek tepelného zpracování byla provedena metalografická analýza a tahové zkoušky. Teplota 380 C a prodleva 6 hodin byly vyhodnoceny jako optimální. Pro posouzení korozní chování slitiny v litém stavu (F) a po tepelném zpracování (T4) byla zvolena korozní zkouška v korozní komoře se solnou mlhou a elektrochemická impedanční spektroskopie. Korozní rychlost byla stanovena na základě hmotnostních úbytků a korodovaný povrch analyzován pomocí SEM.
English abstract
The influence of solution heat treatment on corroison behaviour and mechanical properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy prepared by squeeze casting was evaluated. Experimental material was subjected to solution heat treatment at 380 C for various periods of time with subsequent water quenching. Metallographic analysis and tensile test were performed for assessment of optimum conditions of heat treatment. A temperature of 380 C and annealing time of 6 hours at the temperature were found to be optimal. Corrosion behaviour of both conditions, as cast (F) and solution heat treated (T4) was evaluated through neutral salt spray test and electrochemical spectroscopy method. Corroison rate was established on the basis of mass losses, teh corroded surfaces were analyzed using SEM.
Keywords in Czech
hořčíková slitina, tepelné zpracování, korozní chování, mechanické vlastnosti
Keywords in English
magnesium alloy, heat treatment, corrosion behaviour, mechanical properties
Material Research Society of Serbia
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