Publication detail

Prediction of Discharge Coefficient of Internally-Mixed Twin-Fluid Atomizers


Czech title

Predikce výtokového součinitele dvoumédiových atomizerů s vnitřním směšováním

English title

Prediction of Discharge Coefficient of Internally-Mixed Twin-Fluid Atomizers


conference paper



Original abstract

Flow rate of atomized liquid is one of the nozzle design parameters. Several research works have proposed cor-relations for prediction of the discharge coefficient of twin-fluid atomizers with internal mixing. We have used linear combination of two known physical models for two-phase discharge; the Homogeneous Flow Model and Separated Flow Model which correspond to the extreme cases of gas-liquid discharge without slip and discharge with maximum slip respectively. Corrections to include effects of fluid physical properties and nozzle geometry to the discharge were added and resulting model has been compared with experimental data for a set of single-hole effervescent atomizers under wide range of inlet gauge pressures and gas to liquid mass flow ratios. Good match with correlation coefficient R2 = 0.95 was found between the model based and the experimentally found discharge coefficients. A free-access web application was compiled to serve as a design tool for engineers.

Czech abstract

Průtok atomizované kapaliny je jedním z důležitých návrhových parametrů atomizerů. V práci jsme použili kombinaci dvou známých modelů výtoku dvoufázové směsi s extrémními hodnotami skluzu rychlosti mezi fázemi – model homogenního toku a model separovaného toku a zahrnuli korekce na vlastnosti použitých tekutin a geometrii výtokového otvoru. Výsledky predikce výtokového součinitele jsme porovnali s výsledky měření sady dvoumédiových atomizerů s vnitřním směšováním.

English abstract

Flow rate of atomized liquid is one of the nozzle design parameters. Several research works have proposed cor-relations for prediction of the discharge coefficient of twin-fluid atomizers with internal mixing. We have used linear combination of two known physical models for two-phase discharge; the Homogeneous Flow Model and Separated Flow Model which correspond to the extreme cases of gas-liquid discharge without slip and discharge with maximum slip respectively. Corrections to include effects of fluid physical properties and nozzle geometry to the discharge were added and resulting model has been compared with experimental data for a set of single-hole effervescent atomizers under wide range of inlet gauge pressures and gas to liquid mass flow ratios. Good match with correlation coefficient R2 = 0.95 was found between the model based and the experimentally found discharge coefficients. A free-access web application was compiled to serve as a design tool for engineers.

Keywords in Czech

výtokový součinitel, dvoumédiový atomizer, dvoufázový tok

Keywords in English

Twin-fluid atomizers, Discharge Coefficient, two-phase flow

RIV year





Instituto superior Tecnico


Lisbon, Portugal




24 Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, proceedings

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jan {Jedelský} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Prediction of Discharge Coefficient of Internally-Mixed Twin-Fluid Atomizers",
  booktitle="24 Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, proceedings",
  publisher="Instituto superior Tecnico",
  address="Lisbon, Portugal",