Publication detail

Emission Reduction through Effective Burner Design


Czech title

Redukce emisí sofistikovaným návrhem hořáku

English title

Emission Reduction through Effective Burner Design


conference paper



Original abstract

The present paper describes the options for reduction of harmful emissions from combustion of gaseous fuels with the main focus on the possibilities of nitrogen oxides (NOx) formation abatement in dependence on operation parameters, the kind of fuel fired and most importantly on the burner design. Measurements made in a large-scale experimental furnace were performed on the burner, with staged combustion fuel supply. Based on the data collected in the measurements was prepared an empirical model of NOx emissions formation. The core of the model is made up a of set of simplified kinetic equations of NOx formation using as independent variable a so-called equivalent temperature in the combustion chamber. By comparing the measurements results it has been found that the staging of fuel nozzles influences strongly the temperature in the combustion chamber and consequently also the emissions formation, mainly of nitrogen oxides. The model shows good agreement with the experimental data and respects the influence of the various parameters, e.g. of excess air and flame temperature. The model is expected to bring substantial savings in terms of number of validation experimental measurements with similar burner designs.

Czech abstract

Tento příspěvek popisuje možnosti pro snižování emisí znečišťujících látek ze spalovacích procesů s důrazem na oxidy dusíku (NOx) a možnosti vyplývající z optimálního nastavení provozních parametrů, druh paliva a stavbu hořáku. Měření byla provedena ve velké testovací komoře s použitím hořáku se stupňovitým přívodem paliva. Na základě naměřených dat byl vytvořen empirický model tvorby NOx. Jádrem modelu jsou zjednodušené kinetické rovnice tvorby NOx využívající jako nezávislou proměnnou tzv. ekvivalentní teplotu ve spalovací komoře. Srovnáním naměřených dat bylo zjištěno, že stupňovitý přívod paliva silně ovlivňuje teplotu ve spalovací komoře a díky tomu i tvorbu emisí, zejména oxidů dusíku. Model vykazuje dobrou shodu s naměřenými daty a respektuje vliv mnoha parametrů, například přebytku vzduchu a teploty plamene. Tento model by měl přinést značné úspory v počtu nezbytných ověřovacích měření prováděných pro podobné hořáky.

English abstract

The present paper describes the options for reduction of harmful emissions from combustion of gaseous fuels with the main focus on the possibilities of nitrogen oxides (NOx) formation abatement in dependence on operation parameters, the kind of fuel fired and most importantly on the burner design. Measurements made in a large-scale experimental furnace were performed on the burner, with staged combustion fuel supply. Based on the data collected in the measurements was prepared an empirical model of NOx emissions formation. The core of the model is made up a of set of simplified kinetic equations of NOx formation using as independent variable a so-called equivalent temperature in the combustion chamber. By comparing the measurements results it has been found that the staging of fuel nozzles influences strongly the temperature in the combustion chamber and consequently also the emissions formation, mainly of nitrogen oxides. The model shows good agreement with the experimental data and respects the influence of the various parameters, e.g. of excess air and flame temperature. The model is expected to bring substantial savings in terms of number of validation experimental measurements with similar burner designs.

Keywords in English

Nitrogen oxides, modelling.

RIV year





Tatranské Matliare, Slovak Republic




29th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering

Pages count



  author="Vít {Kermes} and Jiří {Hájek} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Josef {Čaněk} and Jaroslav {Oral} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Emission Reduction through Effective Burner Design",
  booktitle="29th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering",
  address="Tatranské Matliare, Slovak Republic",