Publication detail

Modelling of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Organic Pollutants


Czech title

Modelování zařízení pro termické zpracování organických znečišťujících látek

English title

Modelling of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Organic Pollutants


conference paper



Original abstract

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are produced as harmful by-products in various industrial companies. These compounds contained in polluted air have to be disposed of due to environmental protection. Different methods are utilized for the treatment of gas or liquid organic compounds. The thermal treatment of wastes can be considered as one of the most frequently used and most efficient process. A new compact equipment for the thermal treatment of liquid organic compounds and/or air polluted by these compounds was developed. It has a wide scope of industrial applications. The equipment consists of a cylindrical combustion chamber which is placed inside a heat exchanger (polluted air preheater). A research experimental facility with a process control system, acquiring and evaluating all the important data was designed and built. A relatively simple mathematical model for rapid calculations for both designers and operators has been developed. This model consists of submodels of combustion chamber and heat exchanger. Based on this model a computer program has been created. This program comprises a user friendly interface which enables input of whichever parameters including dimensions of the equipment, flowrate of polluted gas and concentrations of pollutants. Results can be displayed both in numerical and graphical form with a possibility of export in free format. Data obtained from numerous measurements on the above described experimental facility were used for the model validation. Then we can evaluate results and make improvements of the model. We have also utilized benefit from CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) approach using commercial software system FLUENT.

Czech abstract

Těkavé organické sloučeniny (VOC) vznikají jako škodlivé vedlejší produkty v různých průmyslových společnostech. Tyto sloučeniny obsažené ve znečištěném vzduchu musí být odstraněny kvůli ochraně životního prostředí. Pro zpracování plynných nebo kapalných organických sloučenin se používají různé metody. Termické zpracování odpadů může být považováno za jeden z nejčastěji používaných a nejúčinnějších procesů. Bylo vyvinuto nové kompaktní zařízení pro tepelné zpracování kapalných organických sloučenin a/nebo jimi znečištěné vzdušiny. Zařízení má široký rozsah průmyslového použití.

English abstract

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are produced as harmful by-products in various industrial companies. These compounds contained in polluted air have to be disposed of due to environmental protection. Different methods are utilized for the treatment of gas or liquid organic compounds. The thermal treatment of wastes can be considered as one of the most frequently used and most efficient process. A new compact equipment for the thermal treatment of liquid organic compounds and/or air polluted by these compounds was developed. It has a wide scope of industrial applications. The equipment consists of a cylindrical combustion chamber which is placed inside a heat exchanger (polluted air preheater). A research experimental facility with a process control system, acquiring and evaluating all the important data was designed and built. A relatively simple mathematical model for rapid calculations for both designers and operators has been developed. This model consists of submodels of combustion chamber and heat exchanger. Based on this model a computer program has been created. This program comprises a user friendly interface which enables input of whichever parameters including dimensions of the equipment, flowrate of polluted gas and concentrations of pollutants. Results can be displayed both in numerical and graphical form with a possibility of export in free format. Data obtained from numerous measurements on the above described experimental facility were used for the model validation. Then we can evaluate results and make improvements of the model. We have also utilized benefit from CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) approach using commercial software system FLUENT.

Keywords in English

organic pollutants, compact equipment, mathematical model




Prague, Czech Republic




Chisa 2002

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Vlastimil {Fabikovič} and Roman {Štulíř} and Jaroslav {Oral} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Modelling of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Organic Pollutants",
  booktitle="Chisa 2002",
  address="Prague, Czech Republic",