Publication detail

CFD Modelling and Design Optimisation of an Exhaust Duct


Czech title

CFD modelování a optimalizace vestaveb kouřovodu

English title

CFD Modelling and Design Optimisation of an Exhaust Duct


conference paper



Original abstract

The present article uses methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the flow inside of an exhaust duct of an incineration plant. The flow pattern in this duct leads to fouling in a connected heat exchanger. CFD analysis is used to find what causes the fouling and to optimise the duct design in order to eliminate the undesirable phenomena. Several solution alternatives are proposed. The influence of a set of modelling parameters on the predictions is examined and conclusions about admissible simplifications for problems of similar nature are drawn. It is concluded that the insight gained by the CFD analysis is decisive for arriving to an improved design in this application.

Czech abstract

Tento článek používá metody výpočtové dynamiky tekutin ("computational Fluid Dynamics", CFD) ke studiu proudění v kouřovodu spalovny průmyslového odpadu. Proudové pole v tomto kouřovodu vede k zanášení v připojeném výměníku tepla. CFD analýza je použita pro zjištění důvodu zanášení a k optimalizaci vestaveb kouřovodu, tak aby byl nežádoucí stav eliminován. Je navrženo několik alternativních řešení. Je prozkoumán vliv několika modelových parametrů a jsou stanovena přípustná zjednodušení pro tento typ výpočtu. Hlavním závěrem práce je konstatování, že vhled získaný s pomocí CFD analýzy byl v této úloze rozhodující pro dosažení vylepšené konstrukce zařízení.

English abstract

The present article uses methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the flow inside of an exhaust duct of an incineration plant. The flow pattern in this duct leads to fouling in a connected heat exchanger. CFD analysis is used to find what causes the fouling and to optimise the duct design in order to eliminate the undesirable phenomena. Several solution alternatives are proposed. The influence of a set of modelling parameters on the predictions is examined and conclusions about admissible simplifications for problems of similar nature are drawn. It is concluded that the insight gained by the CFD analysis is decisive for arriving to an improved design in this application.

Keywords in English

CFD, incineration, design optimisation




Prague, Czech Republic




15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2002, 5th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES 2002

Pages count



  author="Jiří {Hájek} and Vít {Kermes} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="CFD Modelling and Design Optimisation of an Exhaust Duct",
  booktitle="15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2002, 5th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES 2002",
  address="Prague, Czech Republic",