Publication detail

Optimization of Quality of Continuously Cast Steel Slabs by Using Firefly Algorithm


Czech title

Optimalizace kvality plynule litých bram při použití Firefly algoritmu

English title

Optimization of Quality of Continuously Cast Steel Slabs by Using Firefly Algorithm


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

An ambition to increase both the productivity and the final product quality, in continuous casting process, led us to study new effective mathematical approaches. The quality of steel produced by continuous casting process is influenced by number of controlled factors as a casting speed or cooling rates. Appropriate setting of these factors is usually done by expert estimates and expensive experimental runs. This paper describes an algorithm for obtaining black-box type solution which maintains high production rate and high quality of products as well. The core of the algorithm is our original numerical model of 2D temperature field designed for real caster geometry. This mathematical model contains Fourier-Kirchhoff equation, including boundary conditions. The presence of phase and structural changes is modeled by an enthalpy computed from chemical composition of steel. The optimization part is performed by recently created heuristic method, so-called Firefly algorithm, where the principles of searching for optimal values are inspired by biological behavior of fireflies. By combining the numerical model and heuristic optimization we are able to set the controlled values and to obtain high quality steel which satisfies constrains for prescribed metallurgical length, core and surface temperatures. This approach can be easily utilized for arbitrary class of steel only by changing chemical composition in the numerical model. The results of simulations can be validated by real historical data in purpose to reach relationship between temperature field and final product quality.

Czech abstract

Snaha zvýšit produktivitu a kvalitu výsledného produktu při kontinuálním litím, nás vede ke studiu nových účinných matematických přístupů. Kvalita oceli vyrobené kontinuálním litím je ovlivněna počtem faktorů, jako je rychlost lití nebo intenzita chlazení. Vhodné nastavení těchto faktorů se obvykle provádí expertním odhadem a nákladným experimentálním měřením. Tento článek popisuje algoritmus pro získání black-box přístupu, který se zaměřuje na dosažení vysoké produktivity a kvality výrobků. Jádro algoritmu je tvořeno původním 2D numerickým modelem teplotního pole tvořeného podle reálné geometrie stroje. Matematický model obsahuje Fourier-Kirchhoffovu rovnici, včetně okrajových podmínek. Fázové a strukturální změny jsou modelovány pomocí entalpie vypočtené z chemického složení oceli. Optimalizační část je provedena nedávno vytvořenou heuristickou metodou, tzv. Firefly algoritmus, ve kterém jsou principy hledání optimální hodnoty inspirované podle biologického chování světlušek. Kombinací numerického modelu a heuristické optimalizace jsme schopni nastavit kontrolovaných hodnot a získat vysoce kvalitní ocel, které splňuje předepsané omezení pro metalurgickou délku a povrchovou teplotu. Tento přístup lze snadno využít pro libovolné třídy oceli, pouze změnou jejich chemického složení v numerickém modelu. Výsledky simulací mohou být porovnány podle reálných historických dat.

English abstract

An ambition to increase both the productivity and the final product quality, in continuous casting process, led us to study new effective mathematical approaches. The quality of steel produced by continuous casting process is influenced by number of controlled factors as a casting speed or cooling rates. Appropriate setting of these factors is usually done by expert estimates and expensive experimental runs. This paper describes an algorithm for obtaining black-box type solution which maintains high production rate and high quality of products as well. The core of the algorithm is our original numerical model of 2D temperature field designed for real caster geometry. This mathematical model contains Fourier-Kirchhoff equation, including boundary conditions. The presence of phase and structural changes is modeled by an enthalpy computed from chemical composition of steel. The optimization part is performed by recently created heuristic method, so-called Firefly algorithm, where the principles of searching for optimal values are inspired by biological behavior of fireflies. By combining the numerical model and heuristic optimization we are able to set the controlled values and to obtain high quality steel which satisfies constrains for prescribed metallurgical length, core and surface temperatures. This approach can be easily utilized for arbitrary class of steel only by changing chemical composition in the numerical model. The results of simulations can be validated by real historical data in purpose to reach relationship between temperature field and final product quality.

Keywords in Czech

Firefly algoritmus, Teplotní pole, Přístup entalpie, Plynulé lití

Keywords in English

Firefly algorithm, Temperature field, Enthalpy approach, Continuous casting

RIV year





Inštitut za kovinske materiale tehnologije


Lepi pot 11, SI - 1001 Ljubljana Slovenija







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Tomáš {Mauder} and Čeněk {Šandera} and Josef {Štětina} and Miloš {Šeda},
  title="Optimization of Quality of Continuously Cast Steel Slabs by Using Firefly Algorithm",
  publisher="Inštitut za kovinske materiale tehnologije",
  address="Lepi pot 11, SI - 1001 Ljubljana Slovenija",