Publication detail

Study of aerosol deposition in a realistic model of human lungs - conference poster


Czech title

Studie depozice aerosolu v realistickém modelu lidských plic -konferenční poster

English title

Study of aerosol deposition in a realistic model of human lungs - conference poster





Original abstract

Aerosol deposition was studied by fluorometric method on a realistic model of human lungs with seven generations of branching. The model consists of 32 parts. Purpose of the study was to acquire detailed data on local deposition fraction, efficiency and density in different segments of lungs. Di-2-ethylhexyl Sebacate particles generated by condensation monodisperse aerosol generator were used in sizes from 1 um to 6 um. Three different breathing regimes were simulated which correspond to resting conditions, deep breath and light activity. The test rig consisted of aerosol generator, aerosol monitor, model of lungs with filters connected to its outlets, flow meters and a vacuum pump. The model was exposed to aerosol until pressure loss caused by deposited aerosol on filters induced reduction of flow rate to 50 % of its initial value. Afterwards the model was disassembled to segments and each segment was sonicated in isopropanol to create a sample whose fluorescence is proportional to a quantity of deposited aerosol. Fluorescence of all samples was analysed by sensitive spectrometers and deposition characteristics were calculated from the data. The study confirmed that di-2-ethylhexyl Sebacate particles could be used for analysis by fluorometric method. Deposition density was evidenced as useful deposition characteristics which enables comparison of local deposition in different segments of lungs.

Czech abstract

Depozice aerosolu byla studována fluorometrickou metodou na realistickém modelu plic tvořeném 32 segmenty. Byla ověřena možnost použití di-2-ethyl hexyl sebakátu (DEHS) pro fluorometrické experimenty. Provedená měření emisních spekter potvrdila vhodnost použití DEHS s isopropanolem jako rozpouštědlem. DEHS byl použit pro fluorometrické měření depozice aerosolu, jehož výstupem byly depoziční frakce, účinnost a hustota.

English abstract

Aerosol deposition was studied by fluorometric method on a realistic model of human lungs with seven generations of branching. The model consists of 32 parts. Purpose of the study was to acquire detailed data on local deposition fraction, efficiency and density in different segments of lungs. Di-2-ethylhexyl Sebacate particles generated by condensation monodisperse aerosol generator were used in sizes from 1 um to 6 um. Three different breathing regimes were simulated which correspond to resting conditions, deep breath and light activity. The test rig consisted of aerosol generator, aerosol monitor, model of lungs with filters connected to its outlets, flow meters and a vacuum pump. The model was exposed to aerosol until pressure loss caused by deposited aerosol on filters induced reduction of flow rate to 50 % of its initial value. Afterwards the model was disassembled to segments and each segment was sonicated in isopropanol to create a sample whose fluorescence is proportional to a quantity of deposited aerosol. Fluorescence of all samples was analysed by sensitive spectrometers and deposition characteristics were calculated from the data. The study confirmed that di-2-ethylhexyl Sebacate particles could be used for analysis by fluorometric method. Deposition density was evidenced as useful deposition characteristics which enables comparison of local deposition in different segments of lungs.

Keywords in Czech

depozice aerosolu, model plic, DEHS

Keywords in English

aerosol deposition, lung model, DEHS




18th Congress of International Society for Aerosols in medicine ISAM 2011, June 18-22 2011, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Pages from–to


Pages count