Patent detail

The fluidic jet


Czech title

Fluidická tryska

English title

The fluidic jet

Patent type

Utility model

Czech abstract

Technické řešení se týká konstrukce fluidické trysky, zejména pro čištění povrchů těles tekutinou mající velmi vysoké hodnoty statického tlaku na vstupu a velkou rychlost proudění v oscilační komoře, používané např. k odstraňování okují z povrchů plechů během jejich válcování.

English abstract

The technical solution is concerned in the fluidic jet design, especially used for the body surface cleaning by the high static input pressure liquid. The fluid flows by the high velocity through the oscillating chamber and is used for the metal plates descale throughout their rolling process. The technical solution is concerned in the fluidic jet design, especially used for the body surface cleaning by the high static input pressure liquid. The fluid flows by the high velocity through the oscillating chamber and is used for the metal plates descale throughout their rolling process. The technical solution is concerned in the fluidic jet design, especially used for the body surface cleaning by the high static input pressure liquid. The fluid flows by the high velocity through the oscillating chamber and is used for the metal plates descale throughout their rolling process.

Date of registration


Patent number


Patent owner

Hydrosystem group, a.s. Olomouc