Patent detail

Equipment for external vocal trakt excitation


Czech title

Zařízení pro buzení vokálního traktu

English title

Equipment for external vocal trakt excitation

Patent type


Czech abstract

Zdrojový hlas je generován pomocí speciální trysky pro mluvení šeptem nebo pomocí náhradní hlasivky pro mluvení nahlas.

English abstract

Technical solution of problem Source voice is generated by means of special jet for speaking in a whisper or by means of conpensatory vocal folds for speaking aloud. Special jet is ended with rounded edge of a small radius, so that when the air is fowing through this jet the air is expanded and noise is generated with spectrum for individual wovels is excited. So that individual formants of wovels can be excited. And the flowing air can be used for consonants production. The artificial vocal folds consists of two elastic walls to be separated bz the solid partition. When the compressed air is flowing through the compensatory vocal folds the vibratioins of both walls arise and thus the interruption of the flow is cause of the source voice production. The frequency of the elastic walls can be adjusted by the mechanical protraction of both walls. Behind the prosthesis the "compessed air bubble" arise. After their expansion the acoustic waves are generated with spectrum, which can excite the formant of the wovels in the vocal tract. And the flowing air is a cause of the consonants production within the setup of individual parts of vocal tract.

Date of registration


Patent number


Patent owner

VUT v Brně