Publication detail

Optimum involvement of dioxin catalytic filter in MSW incinerator

L. Bebar, R. Puchyr, G. Pranghofer, T. Parizek, P. Bernat and P. Stehlik

English title

Optimum involvement of dioxin catalytic filter in MSW incinerator





Original abstract

A new and up to date incineration plant for municipal solid waste treatment (MSW incinerator) with capacity of 96 000 t/yr has been extended by a baghouse filter with high durability ePTFE membrane filtration and catalytic destruction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F). This step was necessary because of more and more sweeping environmental regulations. Technology REMEDIA D/Fâ has been applied. It is the first reference of using this efficient filtration material based expanded polytrafluorethylene (ePTFE) membrane and a catalytic felt substrate. The membrane captures sub-micron particulates including heavy metals. Gaseous PCDD/Fs pass through the membrane into the catalytic felt substrate where they are destroyed by catalytic reaction. Therefore this technology enables both simultaneous removal of solid particles and destruction of dioxin and furane well below the allowable limit given by environmental regulation [1]. The above described technology REMEDIA D/Fâ has been implemented in various countries worldwide at present (more than 50 references). However, intalation of a completely new baghouse into the most up to date MSW represented a difficult task resulting in a major change in the overall technology. We have used a combination of experience, know how and sophisticated approach (e.g. using CFD (computational Fluid Dynamics) approach for an optimization of filter bags cleaning [2]). This reference where the baghouse for cleaning 60 000 mN3/h of off-gas was newly installed before the wet scrubber is the first one in the middle/east Europe. During first year of operation this technology enabled to decrease the PCDD/F concentration at the outlet downto the level meeting the allowable limit valid both for the Czech Republic and European Union with up to tenfold reserve. Currently two other applications for different type of incinerators are being performed. A complex approach demonstrated both practical and theoretical aspects as well as operational experince and optimization of technology is presented in the paper. Selected alternatives for further improvements are discussed.

English abstract

A new and up to date incineration plant for municipal solid waste treatment (MSW incinerator) with capacity of 96 000 t/yr has been extended by a baghouse filter with high durability ePTFE membrane filtration and catalytic destruction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F). This step was necessary because of more and more sweeping environmental regulations. Technology REMEDIA D/Fâ has been applied. It is the first reference of using this efficient filtration material based expanded polytrafluorethylene (ePTFE) membrane and a catalytic felt substrate. The membrane captures sub-micron particulates including heavy metals. Gaseous PCDD/Fs pass through the membrane into the catalytic felt substrate where they are destroyed by catalytic reaction. Therefore this technology enables both simultaneous removal of solid particles and destruction of dioxin and furane well below the allowable limit given by environmental regulation [1]. The above described technology REMEDIA D/Fâ has been implemented in various countries worldwide at present (more than 50 references). However, intalation of a completely new baghouse into the most up to date MSW represented a difficult task resulting in a major change in the overall technology. We have used a combination of experience, know how and sophisticated approach (e.g. using CFD (computational Fluid Dynamics) approach for an optimization of filter bags cleaning [2]). This reference where the baghouse for cleaning 60 000 mN3/h of off-gas was newly installed before the wet scrubber is the first one in the middle/east Europe. During first year of operation this technology enabled to decrease the PCDD/F concentration at the outlet downto the level meeting the allowable limit valid both for the Czech Republic and European Union with up to tenfold reserve. Currently two other applications for different type of incinerators are being performed. A complex approach demonstrated both practical and theoretical aspects as well as operational experince and optimization of technology is presented in the paper. Selected alternatives for further improvements are discussed.

Keywords in English

Baghouse, PCDD/F destruction, Off-gas cleaning, Fabric filter,Emissions




FILTECH 2005, International Conference and Exhibition for Filtration and Separation RTechnology, 13-13 October 2005, Rhein-Main_Hallen Wiesbaden, Germany, Proceedings, Volume II,ba

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