Publication detail

Powertrain Simulation

Píštěk, V. Ramík, P.

Czech title

Simulace hnacího ústrojí

English title

Powertrain Simulation


conference paper



Original abstract

In the powertrains of contemporary internal combustion engines, the crank mechanism maintains a dominant position. Exigencies laid on a crankshaft are usually very complex, the respective criteria varying also according to the type and use of an engine. In the course of many decades, calculation models of a crankshaft mechanism have developed according to current needs and possibilities of computer technology. In practice, simpler models for the solution of various partial problems have been used rather than complex models. This paper deals with contemporary possibilities of making complex three-dimensional powertrain models and it also presents a concrete example.

Czech abstract

Pro simulaci hnacích ústrojí má klíčový význam modelování klikového mechanismu. Vývoj výpočtových modelů probíhal v závislosti na vývoji výpočetní techniky. Příspěvek se zabává současnými možnostmi vytváření třídimenzionálních výpočtových modelů.

English abstract

In the powertrains of contemporary internal combustion engines, the crank mechanism maintains a dominant position. Exigencies laid on a crankshaft are usually very complex, the respective criteria varying also according to the type and use of an engine. In the course of many decades, calculation models of a crankshaft mechanism have developed according to current needs and possibilities of computer technology. In practice, simpler models for the solution of various partial problems have been used rather than complex models. This paper deals with contemporary possibilities of making complex three-dimensional powertrain models and it also presents a concrete example.

Keywords in Czech

spalovací motor, hnací ústrojí, kliková hřídel, Multi-Body system, metoda konečných prvků

Keywords in English

internal combustion engine, powertrain, ,crankshaft, Multi-Body Systems, Finite Element Method

RIV year





Mechanical Dynamics, s.r.o.




1st Central And Eastern Europe ADAMS Users Conference

Pages count



  author="Václav {Píštěk} and Pavel {Ramík},
  title="Powertrain Simulation",
  booktitle="1st Central And Eastern Europe ADAMS Users Conference",
  publisher="Mechanical Dynamics, s.r.o.",