Publication detail

Optimisation of Vacuum System at Vacuum Distillation Unit


Czech title

Optimalizace vakuového systému na jednotce vakuové destilace

English title

Optimisation of Vacuum System at Vacuum Distillation Unit





Original abstract

Optimisation of parameters of both particular equipment and overall process plays important role in process industries. The optimal design of particular equipment is usually well known and easily feasible, but serious problems may arise at equipment with phase change of multicomponent mixtures. To optimise overall process we must properly design and optimise particular equipment and moreover adjust them to optimal working process. This paper contains a design of vacuum system (VS) at vacuum tower in petroleum refinery. This system should maintain vacuum at column with minimum investment and operating costs. Purchase price of equipment at process can be hundreds thousand of U.S. dollars and at these equipment is used big amount of cooling water and motive steam. Their costs compose main part of operating costs. The main task of this work is to optimise the vacuum system from the economical point of view. We must find the suitable objective function, estimate its value and minimise it. But there are several problems. Getting total investment costs for VS is too complicated, there are too many unknowns, and its necessary to simplify the procedure. The objective function will not allow to use any regular optimising solver, because of very complicated engineering calculations. It is necessary to simulate VS again and again for different settings and compare results. Then analysis of these results can be done and optimal setting of VS should be determined. To fulfil this objective it was necessary to dispose with accurate mathematical models of all equipment of the process. Although ChemCad is a very powerful tool in this field, it does not contain mathematical model of vacuum ejector, which is in addition to the vacuum condenser the most important equipment of vacuum system. It was necessary to implement this model. Also methods for estimation of equipment cost, operating costs for transport of steam and cooling water costs had to be implemented. Another problem consists in a determination of suitable configurations of steam ejectors and vacuum condensers, which involves both the capital investments (dimensions of precondensers and vacuum ejectors) and operating costs (consumption of cooling water and motive steam). As the key process parameter the condensing ratio was identified, which is the quotient of condensed vapours mass flow in precondensers and mass flow of entering overhead vapours. The objective function is expressed in terms of condensing ratio.

Czech abstract

Optimalizace parametrů jako jednotlivých zařízení jako i celého procesu hraje důležitou roli ve výrobním průmyslu. Optimální návrh jednotlivých zařízení je obvykle velmi dobře znám a lehce uskutečnitelný. Závažné problémy mohou ale nastat, pokud se jedná o zařízení, ve kterém probíhá fázová přeměna vícesložkové směsi. Abychom mohli optimalizovat celý proces, musíme vhodně navrhnou a optimalizovat jednotlivá zařízení a kromě toho je ještě přizpůsobit podmínkám optimálně probíhajícího procesu. Tento příspěvek obsahuje návrh vakuového systému používaného na vakuové koloně v rafinérii na ropu. Tento systém by měl zabezpečit vakuum na koloně s minimálními investičními a operačními náklady. Nákupní cena zařízení v tomto procesu může být stovky tisíc amerických dolarů a kromě toho se v nich používa velké množství chladící vody a páry. Náklady na jejich přípravu tvoří hlavní část operačních nákladů celého systému.

English abstract

Optimisation of parameters of both particular equipment and overall process plays important role in process industries. The optimal design of particular equipment is usually well known and easily feasible, but serious problems may arise at equipment with phase change of multicomponent mixtures. To optimise overall process we must properly design and optimise particular equipment and moreover adjust them to optimal working process. This paper contains a design of vacuum system (VS) at vacuum tower in petroleum refinery. This system should maintain vacuum at column with minimum investment and operating costs. Purchase price of equipment at process can be hundreds thousand of U.S. dollars and at these equipment is used big amount of cooling water and motive steam. Their costs compose main part of operating costs. The main task of this work is to optimise the vacuum system from the economical point of view. We must find the suitable objective function, estimate its value and minimise it. But there are several problems. Getting total investment costs for VS is too complicated, there are too many unknowns, and its necessary to simplify the procedure. The objective function will not allow to use any regular optimising solver, because of very complicated engineering calculations. It is necessary to simulate VS again and again for different settings and compare results. Then analysis of these results can be done and optimal setting of VS should be determined. To fulfil this objective it was necessary to dispose with accurate mathematical models of all equipment of the process. Although ChemCad is a very powerful tool in this field, it does not contain mathematical model of vacuum ejector, which is in addition to the vacuum condenser the most important equipment of vacuum system. It was necessary to implement this model. Also methods for estimation of equipment cost, operating costs for transport of steam and cooling water costs had to be implemented. Another problem consists in a determination of suitable configurations of steam ejectors and vacuum condensers, which involves both the capital investments (dimensions of precondensers and vacuum ejectors) and operating costs (consumption of cooling water and motive steam). As the key process parameter the condensing ratio was identified, which is the quotient of condensed vapours mass flow in precondensers and mass flow of entering overhead vapours. The objective function is expressed in terms of condensing ratio.

Keywords in English

Optimisation, vacuum distillation, equipment design.




Prague, Czech Republic

Pages count