Publication detail

Pilot calculation of the temperature field of the ceramic material EUCOR


Czech title

Kontrolní výpočty teplotního pole keramického materiálu EUCOR.

English title

Pilot calculation of the temperature field of the ceramic material EUCOR


conference paper



Original abstract

EUCOR, a corundo-badelleyit material, which is not only resistant to wear but also to extremely high temperatures, is seldom discussed in literature. The solidification and cooling of this ceramic material in a non-metallic mold is a very complicated problem of heat and mass transfer. The investigation into the temperature field, which can be described by the 3D Fourier equation, is not possible without the engagement of a numerical model of the temperature field of the entire system – comprising the casting, the mold and the surroundings. The temperature field was investigated on a 350x200x400 mm block casting of stone with a riser of 400 mm using an original model with graphical input and output. The computation included the automatic generation of the network, and the successive display of the temperature field using iso-zones or iso-lines. The thermophysical properties of the cast as well as the mold materials were gathered and the initial derivation of the boundary conditions was conducted on all boundaries of the system. The initial measurements were conducted using thermocouples in a limited number of points. EUCOR, a corundo-badelleyit material, which is not only resistant to wear but also to extremely high temperatures, is seldom discussed in literature.

Czech abstract

EUCOR, korundo-baddeleyitový materiál, je v literatuře málo diskutován. Tuhnutí a chladnutí tohoto keramického materiálu v nekovové formě je velmi složitý problém přenosu tepla a hmoty. Teplotní pole bylo zkoumáno na bloku 350x200x400 mm s nálitkem 400 mm použitím originálního numerického modelu s grafickým vstupem a výstupem. Jsou uvedeny výsledky výpočtů teplotního pole spolu s měřením chemické heterogenity.

English abstract

EUCOR, a corundo-badelleyit material, which is not only resistant to wear but also to extremely high temperatures, is seldom discussed in literature. The solidification and cooling of this ceramic material in a non-metallic mold is a very complicated problem of heat and mass transfer. The investigation into the temperature field, which can be described by the 3D Fourier equation, is not possible without the engagement of a numerical model of the temperature field of the entire system – comprising the casting, the mold and the surroundings. The temperature field was investigated on a 350x200x400 mm block casting of stone with a riser of 400 mm using an original model with graphical input and output. The computation included the automatic generation of the network, and the successive display of the temperature field using iso-zones or iso-lines. The thermophysical properties of the cast as well as the mold materials were gathered and the initial derivation of the boundary conditions was conducted on all boundaries of the system. The initial measurements were conducted using thermocouples in a limited number of points. EUCOR, a corundo-badelleyit material, which is not only resistant to wear but also to extremely high temperatures, is seldom discussed in literature.

Keywords in English

corundo-baddeleyid material, temperature field, solidification, numerical model, experiments and measurement, chemical heterogenity

RIV year





TANGER s.r.o. Ostrava






METAL 2001 Sborník abstraktů přednášek

Pages count



  author="Jaromír {Heger} and František {Kavička} and Bohumil {Sekanina} and Josef {Štětina},
  title="Pilot calculation of the temperature field of the ceramic material EUCOR",
  booktitle="METAL 2001 Sborník abstraktů přednášek",
  publisher="TANGER s.r.o. Ostrava",