Publication detail

Snižování hluku valení u kolejových vozidel aplikací akustických tlumičů


Czech title

Snižování hluku valení u kolejových vozidel aplikací akustických tlumičů

English title

Snižování hluku valení u kolejových vozidel aplikací akustických tlumičů


conference paper



Original abstract

The importance of acoustic and vibration measurements and analyses are unambiguous as from the point of view of human health protection, so from the point of safety, lifetime and reliability of measured establishment, eventually the construction. The precise analysis provides detection and identification of noise and vibration sources and thereby their reduction as well. Theoretical study of this problem, the developed procedure of measurement and analysis and demonstration of real experimental measurement of acoustic-vibration parameters different by various types of rail wheels are demonstrated in the article.

Czech abstract

The importance of acoustic and vibration measurements and analyses are unambiguous as from the point of view of human health protection, so from the point of safety, lifetime and reliability of measured establishment, eventually the construction. The precise analysis provides detection and identification of noise and vibration sources and thereby their reduction as well. Theoretical study of this problem, the developed procedure of measurement and analysis and demonstration of real experimental measurement of acoustic-vibration parameters different by various types of rail wheels are demonstrated in the article.

English abstract

The importance of acoustic and vibration measurements and analyses are unambiguous as from the point of view of human health protection, so from the point of safety, lifetime and reliability of measured establishment, eventually the construction. The precise analysis provides detection and identification of noise and vibration sources and thereby their reduction as well. Theoretical study of this problem, the developed procedure of measurement and analysis and demonstration of real experimental measurement of acoustic-vibration parameters different by various types of rail wheels are demonstrated in the article.

Keywords in English

Rail wheels, acoustic and vibration measurement,




ČVUT Praha, ČsAS


Skalský dvůr, Česká republika




63. Akustický seminář

Pages count



  author="Jaroslav {Smutný},
  title="Snižování hluku valení u kolejových vozidel aplikací akustických tlumičů",
  booktitle="63. Akustický seminář",
  publisher="ČVUT Praha, ČsAS",
  address="Skalský dvůr, Česká republika",