Publication detail

Crack propagation in the vicinity of interface between two elastic materials


Czech title

Šíření trhliny v blízkosti rozhraní mezi dvěma elastickými materiály

English title

Crack propagation in the vicinity of interface between two elastic materials





Original abstract

The objective of the paper is to investigate the direction of a further crack propagation from the interface between two elastic materials. The angle of crack propagation changes when the crack passes the interface. The suggested procedure based on generalized form of Sih's strain energy density factor makes it possible to estimate an angle of propagation under which the crack will propagate into the second material. The assumptions of linear elastic fracture mechanics and elastic behavior of the body with interfaces are considered. The finite element method was used for numerical calculations. The results obtained might contribute to a better understanding of the failure of materials with interfaces (e.g. layered composites, materials with protective coatings) and to a more reliable estimation of the service life of such structures.

Czech abstract

Cílem práce je odhad směru dalšího šíření trhliny z rozhraní mezi dvěma elastickými materiály neboť úhel šíření trhliny se po průchodu rozhraním mění. Je využita metoda konečných prvků a procedura založená na faktoru hustoty deformační energie.

English abstract

The objective of the paper is to investigate the direction of a further crack propagation from the interface between two elastic materials. The angle of crack propagation changes when the crack passes the interface. The suggested procedure based on generalized form of Sih's strain energy density factor makes it possible to estimate an angle of propagation under which the crack will propagate into the second material. The assumptions of linear elastic fracture mechanics and elastic behavior of the body with interfaces are considered. The finite element method was used for numerical calculations. The results obtained might contribute to a better understanding of the failure of materials with interfaces (e.g. layered composites, materials with protective coatings) and to a more reliable estimation of the service life of such structures.

Keywords in Czech

bi-materiálové rozhrnaí, směr šíření trhliny, faktor hustoty deformační energie, metoda konečných prvků

Keywords in English

bi-material interface, crack propagation direction, strain energy density factor, finite element method




Les Diablerets, Switzerland


5th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives

Pages count