Publication detail

Solution of the inverse heat transfer problem in the mold wall at concasting


Czech title

Řešení inverzní úlohy přenosu tepla ve stěně krystalizátoru při kontilití.

English title

Solution of the inverse heat transfer problem in the mold wall at concasting


conference paper



Original abstract

A three parametric sensitiveness analysis of the temperature steady state in the mold wall was performed by the finite element analysis. The temperature distribution was studied in the dependence on the wall thickness, heat flow through the wall and on the water film coefficient. The goal of this inverse heat transfer problem was to find generally various heat flows through the long and short cooper mold wall that satisfy the overall heat balance equation and that using the same but unknown water coefficient in cooling grooves of both walls will evoke such temperature at the thermocouple location that corresponds to the experiment.

Czech abstract

Tříparametrická senzitivní analyza teplotního stacionárního teplotního pole v krystalizátoru je provedena metodou konečných prvků. Rozložení teplot je studováno v závislosti na tloušťce stěny, tepelném toku a součiniteli přestupu tepla do vody. Cílem jnverzní úlohy je získat rozložení tepelného toku tak, aby vyhovovalo celkové tepelné bilanci a současně údajům termočlánků při experimentu.

English abstract

A three parametric sensitiveness analysis of the temperature steady state in the mold wall was performed by the finite element analysis. The temperature distribution was studied in the dependence on the wall thickness, heat flow through the wall and on the water film coefficient. The goal of this inverse heat transfer problem was to find generally various heat flows through the long and short cooper mold wall that satisfy the overall heat balance equation and that using the same but unknown water coefficient in cooling grooves of both walls will evoke such temperature at the thermocouple location that corresponds to the experiment.

Keywords in English

inverse heat transfer problem, water film coefficient, cooper mold wall, steel solidification, concasting

RIV year





Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praque 2001


Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praque 2001




Engineering Mechanics 2001

Pages count



  author="Jaromír {Heger},
  title="Solution of the inverse heat transfer problem in the mold wall at concasting",
  booktitle="Engineering Mechanics 2001",
  publisher="Institute of Thermomechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praque 2001",
  address="Institute of Thermomechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praque 2001",