Publication detail

Influence of Signal Processor Architecture on Generating Optimum Algorithm of Digital Signal Processing Methods


Czech title

Vliv architektury signálového procesoru na tvorbu optimálního algoritmu metod číslicového zpracování signálů

English title

Influence of Signal Processor Architecture on Generating Optimum Algorithm of Digital Signal Processing Methods


book chapter



Original abstract

The paper summarizes the authors' experience of the working with Motorola and Texas Instruments digital signal processors, and introduces the fundamentals of effective generation of algorithms. The basic algorithm of digital filters and FFT are analysed with respect to the optimal implementation on digital signal processors of the DSP56824 and DSP56307 families by Motorola and 5000 family by TI with a view to both compiling the algorithm in the C language and comparing it with effective algorithm writing in the assembler. Methods of expressing the algorithm in the signal flow diagram, its adaptation to the processor architecture, and the manner of checking if the algorithm is correct and effective are mentioned.

Czech abstract

V příspěvku jsou shrnuty zkušenosti práce autorů se signálovými procesory Motorola a Texas Instruments a jsou uvedeny zásady pro efektivní vytváření algoritmů. Jsou rozebrány základní algoritmy číslicových filtrů a FFT z hlediska optimální implementace na signálových procesorech firmy Motorola řady DSP56824 a DSP56307 a TI řady 5000 jak z hlediska kompilace algoritmů z jazyka C, tak porovnání s efektivním zápisem algoritmu přímo v asembleru procesoru. Jsou uvedeny metody zápisu algoritmu do grafu signálových toků, jeho přizpůsobení architektuře procesoru a způsob ověření správnosti a efektivnosti zapsaného algoritmu.

English abstract

The paper summarizes the authors' experience of the working with Motorola and Texas Instruments digital signal processors, and introduces the fundamentals of effective generation of algorithms. The basic algorithm of digital filters and FFT are analysed with respect to the optimal implementation on digital signal processors of the DSP56824 and DSP56307 families by Motorola and 5000 family by TI with a view to both compiling the algorithm in the C language and comparing it with effective algorithm writing in the assembler. Methods of expressing the algorithm in the signal flow diagram, its adaptation to the processor architecture, and the manner of checking if the algorithm is correct and effective are mentioned.

Keywords in Czech

digitální zpracování signálů, signálový procesor, číslicový filtr

Keywords in English

digital signal processing, digital signal processor, FFT, digital filters

RIV year





WSES Press


Piraeus, GREECE




Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Zdeněk {Smékal} and Petr {Sysel},
  title="Influence of Signal Processor Architecture on Generating Optimum Algorithm of Digital Signal Processing Methods",
  booktitle="Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control",
  publisher="WSES Press",
  address="Piraeus, GREECE",