Publication detail
Stress and reliability analyses of damaged ceramic femoral heads
Czech title
Napjatostní a spolehlivostní analýza destruovaných keramikých hlavic
English title
Stress and reliability analyses of damaged ceramic femoral heads
conference paper
Original abstract
Today, the problem of reliability of the hip joint ceramic heads becomes important, since world-wide the destruction of the ceramic head has generally been stated in a non-negligible number of patients. Therefore stress and reliability analyses of the ceramic heads were made using experimental and computational modelling aimed at finding the causes of the head destruction. The deformation and stresses are obtained by computational methods (finite elements) under testing conditions, in accordance with ISO 7206-5. Head reliability is based on the Weibull weakest link theory. The head's stress and reliability are significantly influenced by manufacturing inaccuracies of the cone contact areas. The considered manufacturing inaccuracies are modelled as axisymmetric or 3D. The effects of manufacturing inaccuracies on the head's hoop stress and the head's contact pressure along the contact taper are analysed in detail, because the maximum tensile stress acts in this region. Finally, the effect of the mentioned manufacturing inaccuracies on the head's failure probability during the loading is shown. The results obtained are used in clinical practice and in the technological processes of stem and ceramic head manufacturing.
Czech abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá destruovanými keramickými hlavice kyčelní endoprotézy.
English abstract
Today, the problem of reliability of the hip joint ceramic heads becomes important, since world-wide the destruction of the ceramic head has generally been stated in a non-negligible number of patients. Therefore stress and reliability analyses of the ceramic heads were made using experimental and computational modelling aimed at finding the causes of the head destruction. The deformation and stresses are obtained by computational methods (finite elements) under testing conditions, in accordance with ISO 7206-5. Head reliability is based on the Weibull weakest link theory. The head's stress and reliability are significantly influenced by manufacturing inaccuracies of the cone contact areas. The considered manufacturing inaccuracies are modelled as axisymmetric or 3D. The effects of manufacturing inaccuracies on the head's hoop stress and the head's contact pressure along the contact taper are analysed in detail, because the maximum tensile stress acts in this region. Finally, the effect of the mentioned manufacturing inaccuracies on the head's failure probability during the loading is shown. The results obtained are used in clinical practice and in the technological processes of stem and ceramic head manufacturing.
Keywords in English
Damages femoral heads, computaional modelling, Production inaccuracies
RIV year
WIT Press, UK
Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII
Pages count
author="Vladimír {Fuis} and Přemysl {Janíček},
title="Stress and reliability analyses of damaged ceramic femoral heads",
booktitle="Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII",
publisher="WIT Press, UK",