Publication detail

The diagnostic of insulating materials for electrical rotary machine windings


Czech title

Diagnostika izolačních materiálů pro vinutí elektrických strojů točivých

English title

The diagnostic of insulating materials for electrical rotary machine windings


conference paper



Original abstract

The contribution presents the new non-destructive diagnostic methods for the insulating material diagnostics of electrical rotary machine windings. The theory of the diagnostic method is preseted, and these methods are verified in laboratory conditions on Relanex insulating material. This material is used for insulation of electrical rotary machine windings. Attention is focused on determining the breakdown voltage correlation with diagnostics quantities. The relationship between breakdown voltage and the diagnostics quantities is also assessed by a non-traditional method, i.e. by a cluster analysis. More methods of the cluster analysis were used, and all results obtained were analysed and justified.

Czech abstract

The contribution presents the new non-destructive diagnostic methods for the insulating material diagnostics of electrical rotary machine windings. The theory of the diagnostic method is preseted, and these methods are verified in laboratory conditions on Relanex insulating material. This material is used for insulation of electrical rotary machine windings. Attention is focused on determining the breakdown voltage correlation with diagnostics quantities. The relationship between breakdown voltage and the diagnostics quantities is also assessed by a non-traditional method, i.e. by a cluster analysis. More methods of the cluster analysis were used, and all results obtained were analysed and justified.

English abstract

The contribution presents the new non-destructive diagnostic methods for the insulating material diagnostics of electrical rotary machine windings. The theory of the diagnostic method is preseted, and these methods are verified in laboratory conditions on Relanex insulating material. This material is used for insulation of electrical rotary machine windings. Attention is focused on determining the breakdown voltage correlation with diagnostics quantities. The relationship between breakdown voltage and the diagnostics quantities is also assessed by a non-traditional method, i.e. by a cluster analysis. More methods of the cluster analysis were used, and all results obtained were analysed and justified.

Keywords in English

Cluster analysis, Diagnostic,




Academia centrum Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně


Zlín, Česká republika




TD 2002 - DIAGON 2002

Pages count



  author="Miloš {Hammer},
  title="Diagnostika izolačních materiálů pro vinutí elektrických strojů točivých",
  booktitle="TD 2002 - DIAGON 2002",
  publisher="Academia centrum Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně",
  address="Zlín, Česká republika",