Publication detail

New approach to common removal of dioxins and NOx as a contribution to environmental protection


Czech title

Nový přístup k odstraňování dioxinů a NOx jako příspěvek k ochraně životního prostředí

English title

New approach to common removal of dioxins and NOx as a contribution to environmental protection


journal article - other



Original abstract

Meeting environmental limits represents the most important issue in the field of waste processing. Our primary effort consists either in eliminating hazardous emissions or in prevention of their production. However, this is not feasible in most cases therefore the so called secondary methods have to be applied. Technologies based on adsorption of hazardous compounds using activated carbon, deNOx/deDiox technologies as well as technology of catalytic filtration using a special material REMEDIA proved itself to be very efficient. The latter technology consists in using a bag-house with bags manufactured from a special material (two layers – membrane from ePTFE and felt with bound in catalyst) called REMEDIA which has successfully been used for removal of PCDD/F during recent period. However, it has been found that this technology can partially remove NOx as well. Based on our experience from operation industrial incineration plants it has been proved that even after more than three years' operation the activity of filtration material was not decreased and efficiency of dioxins removal from flue gas ranges from 97 to 99 % [1]. Based on industrial experience and new findings it has been decided to focus continuing research and development on deNOx experiments by applying SCR using the above mentioned efficient filtration material. This type of material is primarily designed for reduction of PMs and PCDD/F. Experiments with this filtration material should test possibilities for simultaneous reduction of PMs, PCDD/F and NOx. Tests are performed in MSW incineration plant utilizing new experimental unit and under standard conditions. Waste processing capacity of the incineration plant amounts to 15 t/h. Tests results in evaluation of overall reduction efficiency and negative factors that might influence the efficiency. Catalytic filtration is further compared to other types of deNOx methods. Thus we have obtained qualitatively new knowledge about this method the value of which is emphasized by full scale industrial testing.

Czech abstract

Tento článek pojednává o zkouškách zneškodňování NOx metodou selektivní katalytické redukce (SCR) pomocí nového filtračního materiálu. Tento katalytický filtrační materiál je primárně určený pro snižování obsahu tuhých znečišťujících látek (TZL) a polychlorovaných dibenzo-p-dioxinů a furanů (PCDD/F). Zkoušky tohoto filtračního materiálu slouží pro ověření možnosti současného čištění TZL, PCDD/F a NOx. Zkoušky byly provedeny na spalovně komunálního odpadu pomocí nové a původní experimentální jednotky. Zkoušky zneškodňování NOx katalytickou filtrací byly prováděny za standardních podmínek provozu spalovny komunálního odpadu s kapacitou zpracování odpadu 15 t/h a následně byla vyhodnocena nejen účinnost odstraňování NOx, ale také negativní vlivy, které mohou tuto účinnost ovlivňovat. Dále pak je diskutováno použití katalytické filtrace v porovnání s ostatními metodami odstraňování NOx.

English abstract

Meeting environmental limits represents the most important issue in the field of waste processing. Our primary effort consists either in eliminating hazardous emissions or in prevention of their production. However, this is not feasible in most cases therefore the so called secondary methods have to be applied. Technologies based on adsorption of hazardous compounds using activated carbon, deNOx/deDiox technologies as well as technology of catalytic filtration using a special material REMEDIA proved itself to be very efficient. The latter technology consists in using a bag-house with bags manufactured from a special material (two layers – membrane from ePTFE and felt with bound in catalyst) called REMEDIA which has successfully been used for removal of PCDD/F during recent period. However, it has been found that this technology can partially remove NOx as well. Based on our experience from operation industrial incineration plants it has been proved that even after more than three years' operation the activity of filtration material was not decreased and efficiency of dioxins removal from flue gas ranges from 97 to 99 % [1]. Based on industrial experience and new findings it has been decided to focus continuing research and development on deNOx experiments by applying SCR using the above mentioned efficient filtration material. This type of material is primarily designed for reduction of PMs and PCDD/F. Experiments with this filtration material should test possibilities for simultaneous reduction of PMs, PCDD/F and NOx. Tests are performed in MSW incineration plant utilizing new experimental unit and under standard conditions. Waste processing capacity of the incineration plant amounts to 15 t/h. Tests results in evaluation of overall reduction efficiency and negative factors that might influence the efficiency. Catalytic filtration is further compared to other types of deNOx methods. Thus we have obtained qualitatively new knowledge about this method the value of which is emphasized by full scale industrial testing.

Keywords in Czech

oxidy dusíku, NOx, SCR, katalytická filtrace

Keywords in English

nitrogen oxides, NOx, SCR, catalytic filtration

RIV year







Journal of Cleaner Production





Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Radek {Dvořák} and Petr {Chlápek} and David {Jecha} and Radim {Puchýř} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="New approach to common removal of dioxins and NOx as a contribution to environmental protection",
  journal="Journal of Cleaner Production",