Publication detail

Efficient Retrofit of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge


Czech title

Efektivní modernizace jednotky pro tepelné zpracování kalu

English title

Efficient Retrofit of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge


conference paper



Original abstract

Pulp and paper production is very demanding on energy and raw material. Sludge which is generated during the pulp production has to be treated. Thermal treatment of the sludge proved itself to be the most appropriate solution of the problem. A unit for this treatment in one large pulp and paper plant sludge incinerator had been built many years ago and was quite modern at that time. However, because of more sweeping environmental laws affecting the process industry, the unit needed a complete retrofit. A brief description of this unit (with a multiple hearth incinerator with a fluidisedbed combustion chamber) is supplemented by simplified flowsheet and basic characteristic data. First stage of retrofit considered mainly in installing a secondary combustion chamber and a contact cooler. The second stage of retrofit can be characterised as a "waste-to-energy" one. An existing recuperative heat exchanger and the contact cooler were replaced by a new more efficient system of heat exchangers including utilising flue gas energy for heating demiwater. The successful retrofit can be characterised by a substantial decreasing pollutants (CO, CxHy, NOx and particles) concentration, introducing "waste-to-energy" system and up-to-date process control system, and reliability in operation. Practical experience utilizing know-how and intuitive design combined with a sophisticated approach (e.g. using the authors own software system for simulating processes for the thermal treatment of wastes) proved to be efficient supporting tool for an optimum design and operation.

Czech abstract

Výroba celulózy a papíru je velmi náročná na spotřebu energie a surovin. Kal vznikající při výrobě celulózy je nutno zpracovávat. Tepelné zpracování kalu se ukázalo jako nejvhodnější řešení tohoto problému. Z důvodů zpřísnění legislativy bylo nutno provést kompletní rekonstrukci jedné spalovny kalu. Tento příspěvek se zabývá touto rekonstrukcí. Stručný popis jednotky (s etážovou pecí s fluidním ložem) je doplněn zjednodušeným schématem a základními charakteristickými údaji. První fáze modernizace spočívala především v instalaci dohořívací komory a kontaktního chladiče. Druhá fáze rekonstrukce může být charakterizována jako "waste-to-energy" fáze. Existující rekuperační výměník a kontaktní chladič byly nahrazeny novým účinnějším systémem tepelných výměníků zahrnujících využití energie spalin pro ohřev demi-vody. Úspěšná modernizace může být charakterizována značným poklesem koncentrace škodlivin (CO, CxHy, NOx a pevných částic) ve spalinách, zavedením systému "waste-to-energy" a moderního řídícího systému. Praktické zkušenosti využívající know-how a intuitivní konstrukci v kombinaci se sofistikovaným přístupem (např. použití vlastního softwarového systému pro simulování procesů tepelného zpracování odpadů) se ukázaly jako efektivní podpůrný nástroj pro optimální konstrukci a provoz.

English abstract

Pulp and paper production is very demanding on energy and raw material. Sludge which is generated during the pulp production has to be treated. Thermal treatment of the sludge proved itself to be the most appropriate solution of the problem. A unit for this treatment in one large pulp and paper plant sludge incinerator had been built many years ago and was quite modern at that time. However, because of more sweeping environmental laws affecting the process industry, the unit needed a complete retrofit. A brief description of this unit (with a multiple hearth incinerator with a fluidisedbed combustion chamber) is supplemented by simplified flowsheet and basic characteristic data. First stage of retrofit considered mainly in installing a secondary combustion chamber and a contact cooler. The second stage of retrofit can be characterised as a "waste-to-energy" one. An existing recuperative heat exchanger and the contact cooler were replaced by a new more efficient system of heat exchangers including utilising flue gas energy for heating demiwater. The successful retrofit can be characterised by a substantial decreasing pollutants (CO, CxHy, NOx and particles) concentration, introducing "waste-to-energy" system and up-to-date process control system, and reliability in operation. Practical experience utilizing know-how and intuitive design combined with a sophisticated approach (e.g. using the authors own software system for simulating processes for the thermal treatment of wastes) proved to be efficient supporting tool for an optimum design and operation.

Keywords in English

thermal treatment, sludge, retrofit




IChemE - Institution of chemical engineers


IChemE, davis Building, 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby CV21 3HQ, UK


Incineration 2001 - 3rd international symposium on incineration and flue gas treatment technologies

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jaroslav {Oral} and Zdeněk {Hajný} and Radim {Puchýř} and Petr {Stehlík} and Pavel {Trunda},
  title="Efficient Retrofit of Unit for Thermal Treatment of Sludge",
  booktitle="Incineration 2001 - 3rd international symposium on incineration and flue gas treatment technologies",
  publisher="IChemE - Institution of chemical engineers",
  address="IChemE, davis Building, 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby CV21 3HQ, UK"