Publication detail

Incineration and gasification technologies completed with up-to-date off-gas cleaning system for meeting environmental limits


Czech title

Technologie spalování a zplyňování doplněné o současný systém čištění spalin, jež vyhovují legislativním požadavkům

English title

Incineration and gasification technologies completed with up-to-date off-gas cleaning system for meeting environmental limits


journal article - other



Original abstract

It is shown how gasification can be used for processing wastes including waste to energy system. First, an analysis of incineration of wastes taking into account environmental limits is performed. This analysis is aimed at a typical arrangement of a conventional oxidizing incineration plant consisting of waste storage and feeding systems, two-stage incinerator (primary and secondary combustion chambers), heat recovery system involving co-generation and off-gas cleaning system. It is also focused on a new arrangement where the primary combustion chamber (rotary kiln) is substituted by gasification reactor. The proposed concept with a fluidised bed reactor utilizes results of experimental research with various mixtures of wastes (e.g. shredded textile and rubber) considering typical conditions of operation. Experiments provide us with various important characteristics (heat value of produced syngas vs. temperature in the gasification reactor, temperature in the secondary combustion chamber vs. oxygen concentration in outlet flue gas and heat value of syngas, etc.). Then it is possible to make a comparison of conventional incineration and gasification for a concrete industrial process involving a unit for thermal treatment of hazardous industrial waste mixed with municipal solid wastes with capacity of 10,000 t/year. The application of gasification technology brings about the whole range of benefits like minimizing the consumption of auxiliary fuel and decreasing size of the secondary combustion chamber and other subsystems of the incineration plants. Involving such a system with energy and investment cost reduction into an industrial process contributes to meeting cleaner production and environmental legislation regulations.

Czech abstract

Tento článek představuje zplyňování jako proces nakládání s odpady včetně přeměny odpadu na energii. Nejprve je provedena analýza spalování odpadu s ohledem na legislativní požadavky. Analýza se zaměřuje na typické uspořádání konvenční oxidační spalovny, jež se skládá z skladu odpadu, dvoustupňové spalovny a systému na čistění spalin. Na základě experimentů je možné stanovit výhodnost konvenčního spalování a zplyňování pro konkrétní průmyslové procesy.

English abstract

It is shown how gasification can be used for processing wastes including waste to energy system. First, an analysis of incineration of wastes taking into account environmental limits is performed. This analysis is aimed at a typical arrangement of a conventional oxidizing incineration plant consisting of waste storage and feeding systems, two-stage incinerator (primary and secondary combustion chambers), heat recovery system involving co-generation and off-gas cleaning system. It is also focused on a new arrangement where the primary combustion chamber (rotary kiln) is substituted by gasification reactor. The proposed concept with a fluidised bed reactor utilizes results of experimental research with various mixtures of wastes (e.g. shredded textile and rubber) considering typical conditions of operation. Experiments provide us with various important characteristics (heat value of produced syngas vs. temperature in the gasification reactor, temperature in the secondary combustion chamber vs. oxygen concentration in outlet flue gas and heat value of syngas, etc.). Then it is possible to make a comparison of conventional incineration and gasification for a concrete industrial process involving a unit for thermal treatment of hazardous industrial waste mixed with municipal solid wastes with capacity of 10,000 t/year. The application of gasification technology brings about the whole range of benefits like minimizing the consumption of auxiliary fuel and decreasing size of the secondary combustion chamber and other subsystems of the incineration plants. Involving such a system with energy and investment cost reduction into an industrial process contributes to meeting cleaner production and environmental legislation regulations.

Keywords in Czech

spalování, zplyňování, odpad, čištění spalin, přeměna odpadů na energii (W2E)

Keywords in English

Incineration, gasification, waste, off-gas cleaning, waste to energy

RIV year





Springer Berlin/Heidelberg




Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy





Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Radek {Dvořák} and Tomáš {Pařízek} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Incineration and gasification technologies completed with up-to-date off-gas cleaning system for meeting environmental limits",
  journal="Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy",
  publisher="Springer Berlin/Heidelberg",