Publication detail

Verification of selected heat-technical properties during the hydration of cement in concrete mixture


English title

Verification of selected heat-technical properties during the hydration of cement in concrete mixture


conference paper



Original abstract

The hydration of cement as a binder is accompanied with a strong exothermic process with a great amount of heat energy (s.c. hydration heat) given off. In earlier years this fact was many times neglected an in more cases massive reinforced concrete structures were carried out without a preceding heat-technical balance. This resulted in volume changes in the concrete microstructure and the formed tensile stress caused formation of cracks. Today still more turned out that it is necessary to carry out heat technical calculations even in the case of structures which are not directly defined as massive but towards which increased qualitative demands are made. This are first of all structures from high point concrete (HPC). Among this self-compacting concrete (SCC), high strength concrete (HSC) and concrete for hydraulic building can be classified. In the case of these types of concrete there is a high demand for their quality and compactness, therefore it is necessary to restrict during the hydration process all negative influences which could lead to the formation of cracks and failures in the cement stone structure. For these reasons it is necessary to secure, that during the hydration the temperature will not exceed the admissible limit and therefore this assumption should be verified by a heat technical calculation.

English abstract

The hydration of cement as a binder is accompanied with a strong exothermic process with a great amount of heat energy (s.c. hydration heat) given off. In earlier years this fact was many times neglected an in more cases massive reinforced concrete structures were carried out without a preceding heat-technical balance. This resulted in volume changes in the concrete microstructure and the formed tensile stress caused formation of cracks. Today still more turned out that it is necessary to carry out heat technical calculations even in the case of structures which are not directly defined as massive but towards which increased qualitative demands are made. This are first of all structures from high point concrete (HPC). Among this self-compacting concrete (SCC), high strength concrete (HSC) and concrete for hydraulic building can be classified. In the case of these types of concrete there is a high demand for their quality and compactness, therefore it is necessary to restrict during the hydration process all negative influences which could lead to the formation of cracks and failures in the cement stone structure. For these reasons it is necessary to secure, that during the hydration the temperature will not exceed the admissible limit and therefore this assumption should be verified by a heat technical calculation.

Keywords in English

Concrete, thermal conductivity, thermal insulation, hydratation of concrete

RIV year





Technical Univerzity of košice






Quality and Rentability in building Industry

Pages count



  author="Stanislav {Šťastník} and Jiří {Zach},
  title="Verification of selected heat-technical properties during the hydration of cement in concrete mixture",
  booktitle="Quality and Rentability in building Industry",
  publisher="Technical Univerzity of košice",